
    Cards (99)

    • Define capacity of memory
      How much information our memory can hold
    • What researcher investigated the capacity of the STM?
      Jacobs (1887) - Digit span technique
    • Explain the STM capacity Digit span technique experiment
      • Researcher read out digits
      • Ps asked to repeat them back again out loud
      • How many they can repeat correctly is their digit span
      • Mean for digits - 9.3
      • Mean for letters - 7.3 (or 7 + or - 2)
    • What is the conclusion of the capacity of STM?
      It is small and limited
    • What type of experiment is the Digit Span?

    • Evaluate Jacobs experiment
      + highly controlled environment
      — lacks mundane realism (the task)
    • How can you increase the STM capacity?

      By chunking the information together
    • Why is it impossible to study the capacity of the LTM?

      Theoretically it is unlimited
      You sometimes can’t recall it but it is there
    • Define Duration
      how long we can hold information in our memory
    • Give the researcher of duration STM
      Peterson and Peterson (1959)
    • Explain the STM duration experiment
      • 8 trials for each participant
      • Consonant trigrams (3 letters) given on each trial, followed by a 3 digit number
      • Asked to count backwards in 3s from the number for a different amount of time on each trial (retention interval) 3-15s
      • As the retention interval got longer, the recall became poorer
    • What is the conclusion of the duration of the STM?

      When rehearsal is prevented, STM lasts about 20s at most. (It’s limited)
    • What type of experiment is Peterson and Peterson (1959) ?

    • Define coding
      the format in which information is stored/processed in each memory store
    • Evaluate Peterson and Peterson experiment

      + highly controlled environment
      — Tasks lacks mundane realism
    • Who investigated the duration of the LTM?

      Bahrick (1975)
    • What is the conclusion of duration of LTM
      It is unlimited
    • Explain Bahrick’s LTM duration experiment
      • Year book pictures
      • 393 Ps aged between 17 and 74
      • Photo recognition (50 phots) or free recall (listing the names of people in their year)
      • Photo recall - 15 years later 90% accurate
      • 48 years later declined to 70%
      • Free recall - 15 years later 60%
      • 48 years later 30%
    • Evaluate Bahrick’s experiment
      + highly controlled environment
      + does have higher levels of mundane realism than the others - recalling names is an everyday activity
    • What type of experiment is the Year book pictures?

    • Who studied coding ?
      Baddley (1966)
    • Explain Baddeley’s coding experiment
      • Gave 4 different groups different word lists
      • 1 - acoustically similar (sound)
      • 2 - acoustically different (sound)
      • 3 - semantically similar (mean)
      • 4 - semantically different (mean)
      • Immediate recall (STM) Ps struggled with acoustically similar words
      • Delayed recall (LTM) Ps struggled with semantically similar words
    • What does the coding study suggest?
      STM codes acoustically
      LTM codes semantically
    • What design was Baddeley’s experiment?

      Independent groups
    • Evaluate the coding experiment
      Participant variables (different people have different memories)
    • What are processes of the MSM?

      stimulus from the environment, attention, response, prolonged and maintenance rehearsal and retrieval
    • What are the names of the 3 stores of the MSM?

      Sensory register, STM, LTM
    • What is maintenance rehearsal?

      When something is repeated to keep it in your STM
    • What is prolonged rehearsal?

      When something is kept in the STM and transferred to the LTM.
    • What is inside the sensory register?

      Iconic, Echoic, Other sensory stores
    • What does MSM stand for?
      Multi-Store Model
    • What research supports the MSM regarding STM and LTM?
      • Peterson and Peterson: STM lasts 20 secs without rehearsal
      • Bahrick et al: LTM can last 48 years+
      • Baddeley: STM codes acoustically, LTM codes semantically
    • What do the findings of Peterson and Peterson, Bahrick et al, and Baddeley suggest about STM and LTM?
      They suggest STM and LTM are separate stores
    • What is the significance of the research findings for the MSM?
      They validate the model's explanation of memory
    • What happened to HM after his brain operation?
      He suffered brain damage to LTM
    • How does HM's case support the MSM?
      It shows memory has separate stores
    • What ability did Clive Wearing retain despite his memory issues?
      He could play the piano
    • What does Clive Wearing's case suggest about LTM?
      LTM consists of more than one store
    • Why is the MSM considered too simplistic based on Clive Wearing's case?
      It suggests only one store for LTM
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Multi-Store Model (MSM)?
      • Supported by research evidence
      • Distinction between STM and LTM

      • Oversimplifies LTM as a single store
      • Does not account for different types of LTM
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