Cards (9)

  • Attachment to fathers
    Evidence suggests that fathers are much less likely to become the primary attachment figure compared to mothers. In only 3% of cases was the father the sole object of attachment and in 27% of cases was the father the joint attachment figure.
  • However it has been found by S+E that fathers go on to become important attachment figures as by the age of 18 months, 75% of the babies in S+E study formed an attachment to their father shown through protests when their fathers walked away - sign of attachment.
  • Grossman et al - longitudinal study - distinct role for fathers
    The researcher looked at both parents behaviours and its relationship to the quality of the babies later attachments. The quality of attachment with the mother but not the father was related to attachment in adolescence, suggesting a fathers attachment is less important.
  • However, Grossman et al found that the quality of father play was related to adolescent attachment which suggests that fathers have a different role, more to do with play and stimulation rather than emotional development.
  • Fathers as primary attachment figures
    When a father takes on the role of primary attachment figure, it has been found that they are able to take on the more emotional, motherly role in the absence of the mother.
  • Field - fathers as primary attachment figures
    Filmed 4 month old babies with PAF mothers, SAF fathers and PAF fathers. The PAF fathers like the mothers spent more time smiling, imitating and holding babies than SAF fathers, all of which are a part of attachment formation (reciprocity and interactional synchrony)
    This shows that fathers have the potential of taking on the more emotional PAF role but perhaps only express this when given the role of primary caregiver.
  • Strength - real world application - advice
    • Some parents have to decide who will take on the role of primary caregiver
    • Mothers often feel pressured due to societal expectations
    • This research may offer some comfort and advice to struggling parents - fathers are very capable of becoming primary attachment figures/fathers are not necessary in lesbian relationships
    • Parental anxiety around attachment and work can be reduced.
  • Limitation - confusion over research questions
    • Lack of clarity
    • Different researchers investigate different aspects of what makes up being a father e.g. in terms of them being a secondary attachment figure/primary attachment figure/having a distinct role.
    • Makes answering the question of what the fathers role is more difficult.
  • Limitation - conflicting evidence
    • Findings vary based on methodology
    • Longitudinal studies such as GROSSMAN suggest that fathers play an important role as secondary attachment figures in the stimulation and play role.
    • This does not fit when referring to homosexual or single parent families as GROSSMAN'S study would suggest that children growing up in these households would develop differently to those with fathers but evidence has shown that these children do not grow up any differently.
    • The role of the father remains unanswered