Cards (15)

  • Noam Chomsky (1/4) - Nativist
    • Believes learning language is innate
    • Brain mechanisms are programmed with ability to acquire grammatical structure
  • Naom Chomsky (2/4)- Nativist
    Universal grammar:
    • believed all languages showed many similarities
    • All language share principle of grammar despite surface differences in lexis & phonology

    Virtuous Error:
    • Child makes grammatical errors in their grammar, inflections and syntax as they are attempting to apply rules they recognise from the language around them
    Critical period:
    • Children's language acquisition device must be activated with sufficient input before age 12 or language acquisition will be impaired
  • Laom Chomsky (4/4)- Nativist

    • Found that children develop at similar rate in similar stages of development
    • Most children acquire complex grammar by early age
    • Believes it occurs regardless of environment or intelligence
  • B.F. Skinner - 1957 Behaviorist(1/2)

    Tested positive and negative reinforcement with rats and pigeons
    • Proposed children learn through immitation
    • Skeptical theory as focus is not on humans
  • B.F. Skinner - 1957 Behaviorist (2/2)

    Operant Conditioning:
    • Idea that either positive or negative response that's given by care giver can influence way that child talks in future acquisition
    • Suggest language is learnt through positive and negative reinforcements
    Positive Reinforcement:
    • encourage similar behavior again
    Negative Reinforcement:
    • feedback prevent child from making same error
  • Bruner 1972-80 - Social interactionist
    Suggested idea that a carer questions, encourages and supports child through scaffolding, enabling them to gradually develop their speech
    • Parents/carer facilitates learning for a child
  • Vygotsky 1934 - Social interactionist, Cognitive Theorist

    Suggested importance of actions/demonstrations for a child to develop and focus of caregiver to act as a more knowledgeable other
    • Supporting child from position of having more knowledge and understanding, adult or another child can direct child within zone of PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT
  • Vygotsky's Cognitive Development Theory
    1. SOCIAL INTERACTION: emphasized social interactions is fundamental in development of cognition
    2. KNOWLEDGEABLE OTHER: children learn through guidance and collaboration with skilled parents
    3. PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT: Difference with what learner can do without help and achieve with help
    4. SCAFFOLDING: Temporary support to child - perform tasks they normally wouldn't do
  • Piaget
    Found that children develop object permanence
    • Develop understanding that an object still exists although no longer in sight
  • Vygotsky
    Viewed language as having 2 separate roles
    • One for communication
    • One for basis of thought
    Believed collaborative play is essential to child learning
    "What a child can do in a co-operation today, he can do alone tomorrow"
  • Piaget Stages Of Development - Cognitive theorist
    Sensorimotor: up to 2yrs
    • Experience physical world through senses, begins classifying words
    Pre-Operational: 2-7 yrs
    • Long and motor skills develop - more competent - language is egocentric (Only perceive world from their point of view
    Concrete Operational: 7-11
    • Child begins thinking about concrete things
    Formal Operations: 11+
    • Abstract reasoning skills develop
  • More knowledgeable other theory - Holt & Williard (2000)

    Social constructive theory states that children need a knowledgeable other in order to acquire acute language skills
    • A child needs to see themselves in people to determine whether they are knowledgeable
    • This is advantageous in language acquisition
  • Jean Aitchison > 1987
    Identified 3 stages that occur during child's acquisition of language
    1. Labelling > making links between sounds and objects which they refer to
    2. Packaging > entails understanding of a words range of meanings
    3. Networking > grouping connections between words
  • Amy Bidgood > 2018
    Language 0-5 project
    • Children who hear more words and greater variety learn words more quickly
    • Hears more noun phrases, produces more noun phrases
    • Hears more verbs, produce more verbs
    • Hears more complex sentences, understands them better