1757- won the battle of plassey which established british control
he was in the EIC army and proved to be an effective leader
signed treaty of Allahabad- 1756 to claim bengal from Mughal empire
dual-government idea meant british had shared control in india and EIC had rights to collect tax
1764-1767- govener and commander in chief of bengal
1770- contributed the great bengal famine by increasing taxes, decreasing wages and failed to respond to drought
Warren Hastings- 1732-1818
1773-85- first governor general of india
He strengthened british control by repairing relationship with india by abolishing the dual-government, reorganising laws and centralising a stable government, alliances with indian princes and deals which meant EIC should focus on trade not politics
political rivals blamed him for mismanagement and corruption, in 1787 he faced trials but was found not guilty
Sir Walter Raleigh- 1553- 1618
sea captain for queen elizabeth and james I
known as the 'father of american colonies'
1584- colonies in virginia, set up roanoke but failed
1607- set up jamestown which succeeded
Sir John Hawkings- 1532-95
respected english naval commander, merchant, privateer and pirate
responsible for building up the elizabeth royal navy, he would design and build ships and he was credited for being a major part in defeating the spanish armada
1562- britains first slave trader, he captured slaves from africa and sold them in america
1564- a secnd voyage since the first was profitable
cousin of sir francis drake
Alfred the great- 871-899
focus on education and literacy
built first known navy
burhs- fortified settlements
coins with his face on them- claiming him as the first king of england
religion- deal for vikings to convert to christianity
beat vikings in the battle of edington
created the doom laws
Henry II- 1154
built and had power over the angevin empire, including: anjou, maine, brittany, normandy, england, ireland, aquitane, touraine
he built the empire by inhereted land from his mother and his father, marrying eleanor of aquitane
empire significant because- fortification of britain, economy improved through trade and commerce, alliance/relationship with france
John nicknames
Bad King John
John Softsword
John Lackland
King John actions- 1199-1216
1202-05- French territory of Anjou, maine, brittany, normandy lost
John raises taxes without any consultation, he does this to fund the war effort
1214- battle of bouvine, even with the money he fails to return normandy or any french land to britain
1215- forced to sign magna carta
1216- dies in battle, and while in possesion of land so all of the angevin empire is lost
why was the magna carta significant?
63 clauses
minimised the power that monarchs in england had, huge towards human rights and modern democracy
3 clasues remain today: freedom of the church, right to due legal process and the ancient liberties of the city of london
the rest of the clause influenced many laws today, the importnat ones are: The king could not tax anyone without representation inthe government, the law applied equally to everyone, widows gained rights and property rights for any citizen
Richard lionheart- 1189-1199
renowned military leader hwo spent most of his life engaged in war/ battles
deeply involved in the third crusades
fought defence for england
his absence from england left ruling in the hands of his mother and his trusted advisors, however john was very keen to seize the throne that he conspired with phillip of france while richard was away
Cecil Rhodes- pm of cape colony 1890-96
invested in education in both africa and england- rhodes scholarships in oxford and investment for the university of cape town
racist beliefs/ social darwanism- promoted by his actions, forcing black people off their land, raising their taxes, made it harder for them to vote
development- cape to cairo railway running from south africa to egypt, modern day zimbabwe named rhodesia, built hospitals, roads, schools
improved british economy
imperialistic views and credited to be the best empire builder
De beers diamond company made up 90% of market
King Cnut- 1016-35
Conquered england so that it was a part of the north sea empire
Initially tough on english rebels
his rule became very peaceful
reinstated edgar the peacefuls laws
religious man who improved relationship with the church and make donations
married emma of normandy which made his rule easier and more popular