
Cards (20)

  • What is an Ecosystem?
    An Ecoysytem is an area of both living (Biotic) and non-living (Abiotic) organisms
  • What are the 3 classes in an Ecoystem?
    1. Producers
    2. Consumers
    3. Decomposers
  • List 3 Biotic components in an Ecosystem
    1. Animals
    2. Plants
    3. Bacteria/Fungi (Decomposers)
  • List 4 Abiotic components in an Ecosystem
    1. Air (Oxygen/CO2)
    2. Sunlight(For Potosynthesis)
    3. water(For plant growth
    4. Minerals(Rocks/soils)
  • What is a Producer and give an example
    A producer is an organism that uses sunlight to produce food(Photosynthesis)
    E.G Grass
  • What is a Consumer and give an example
    A Consumer is an organism that gets its energy by eating other organisims
    E.G A rabbit will eat Grass
  • What is a Decomposer and give an example

    A Decomposer is an organism that gets its energy by breaking down dead materials like leaves and dead consumers like animal remains
    E.G Baceria + Fungi
  • What does the Nutrient cycle show?
    The Nutrient cycle show's how nutrients move through an ecosystem
  • What are the 3 stages of the Nutrient cycle?
    1. When dead material decomposes, nutrients are released into the soil
    2. The nutrients are then taken up from the soil by plants which then can be eaten by consumers
    3. When plants or consumers die, the nutrients are returned to the soil
  • What is a Food Chain?
    A food chain shows the transfer of energy from one organism to the next
  • What is a Food Web?
    A food web a network of food chains and how they link together and overlap
  • What happens to the amount of energy as you move up the food chain?
    The energy decreases
  • The climate in an area determines what type of ecosystem forms
  • Where are Polar regions located?
    Polar regions are located around the North and South Poles.

    They remain dark for several months which means their growing season is very short- 2 Months
  • Where are Tundra regions located?
    Tundra regions are located at high lattitudes in northern Europe, canada and Alaska.

    Breif summers with some vegitation like moss but theres a layer of permafrost
  • Where are hot deserts located?
    Hot deserts are located between 15 -35 Degrees north and south of the Equator
  • Where are Boreal Forests(Taiga) located?
    Boreal Forests(Taiga) are located between 50-60 degrees North
    Cold and dry winters, mild and moist summers
  • Where are Temperate Deciduous Forests located?
    They are located in the mid lattitudes where there are the 4 seasons
  • Where are Tropical rainforests located?

    They are located around the Equator between the tropics
  • Where are Grasslands located?
    Temperate Grasslands are located at higher lattitudes
    Savanah Grasslands are located between the Tropics