
Cards (14)

  • State the four definitions of abnormality
    Failure to function Adequately, Deviation from social norms, Deviation from ideal mental health and Statistical infrequency.
  • Explain deviation from social norms

    A person is abnormal if they do not follow the explicit and implicit rules of society.
  • What is an explicit social norm
    Explicit social norms are official written rules.
  • What is an implicit social norm
    Implicit social norms are social norms that are formed in day to day interactions.
  • What are the three negatives of defining abnormality as being devient form social norms
    1. Some people that defy norms may just be trying to be unique and therefore do not suffer from mental illness.
    2. Most social norms change according the context. You would swear at a football match but not at the opera.
    3. Changing times - Laws and social norms change throughout time. For example being homosexual.
  • Explain Failure to function adequatly
    A person is abnormal is they cannot complete everyday tasks required within society. EG - keeping a job and not getting up in the morning.
  • What are the two negatives of defining abnormality as failure to function adequately
    1. Some people have the ability to function normally, but still have serious mental health issues. EG - Lucy Letby and Howard Shipman.
    2. In times of berevement, failure to function is expected and necesarry.
  • Explain the positive of defining abnormality as failure to function adequately.

    It is used in real life to section patients. A family member needs to prove the patient is functioning adequately. Eg - somebody usually gets up at 6AM and is no longer doing so.
  • Explain deviation from ideal mental health

    A person is abnormal if they lack johodas six criteria for optimal living.
  • What are johodas six criteria for optimal living
    1. Positive attitude towards self
    2. Self-actualisation of potential
    3. Resistance to stress
    4. Personal autonomy
    5. Accurate perception of reality
    6. Adapting to environment
  • Explain the 5 negatives of Johodas 6 criteria for optimal living

    1. Johodas six criteria sets the bar to high so the concept becomes meaningless
    2. Difficulty of self actualising - few people actually achieve their full potential. How do we measure it?
    3. Possible benefits of stress - some people work better under pressure
    4. Not everybody has autonomy: children, women
    5. Culture - ideals are historically and culturally specific
  • Explain how abnormality is defined as statisticallly infrequent
    A person is abnormal if they exhibit rare or uncommon behaviour. EG - high IQ and schizophrenia
  • Explain the one positive of statistical infrequency
    Doctors use it to diagnose disorders such as IDD
  • Explain 2 negatives to statistical infrequency
    1. Statistically infrequent behaviours are desirable - high IQ
    2. Depression is statistically frequent