Cards (15)

  • What are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?

    1. Depression is caused by the way we think
    2. If we can change the way we think, we can change the way we behave and feel.
    3. This will cure depression.
  • What are schemas?

    cluster of knowledge from experience
  • What are self-schemas?

    beliefs about oneself that guide the processing of self-relevant information
  • What are the three corners of becks cognitive triad?

    1. Negative views about the world
    2. Negative views about the future
    3. Negative views about ones self.
  • What is the function of Becks cognitive triad?

    One negative view leads to a chain of negative events. This is why it is represented within a interconnected triangle.
  • What is cognitive bias?

    Negative thoughts which are unconcious and involve rapid responce in certain situations.
    These biases prevent the person from focusing on the positive - therefore reinforcing depression.
    There are two types: All or nothing and Catastrophising
  • What is the ABC model?

    activating event, belief, consequence
    It explains irrational thoughts, behaviors and emotional states
  • What is the unscientific explanation for the cognitive approach?

    The idea that schemas are rather vague and unclear about how irrational thoughts should be defined and measured. As a consequece we cannot scientifically test from this.
  • What is the responsibility explanation of the cognititve apporach?

    The individual being seen as responsible for their behaviour. Making suicidal thoughts and depression worse.
  • What is the direction of causality explanation?

    Depression leads to negative thinking, rather than negative thoughts leading to depression.
  • Describe Terrys case study - research support

    There are links between cognitive processes and depression. He studied 65 pregnant women before they gave birth, to find out their vunrability and number of negative thoughts.
  • What therapy is used to cure depression?
    CBT - used internationally and is sucessful
  • What are the four cognitive characteristics of depression?

    1. Poor concentration and decision making
    2. Pessimism - dwelling on unhappy events
    3. Absolute thinking (all or nothing thinking)
    4. Suicidal thoughts
  • What are the 3 behavioural characteristics of depression?

    1. Activity levels
    2. Disruption of sleep and energy levels
    3. Aggression and self harm
  • What are the three emotional characteristics of depression?

    1. Persistant low mood
    2. Lowered self esteem
    3. Anger