Cards (7)

  • What are the assumptions of CBT?

    If i change the way i think, i will change the way if feel and behave.
    Negative thoughts are the route of depression.
  • What are the aims of CBT?

    To improve self esteem and rational thinking.
  • What are the two techniques of CBT?

    1. The ABC model tracked through journelling
    2. Homework (Research and case studies)
  • How effective is CBT?

    It is the most effective psychological treatment for depression. It is free on the NHS and used internationally. March said it is 81% effective - which is better than antidepressants.
  • Why is CBT not constantly sutible?

    CBT does not work for people in psychosis as they cannot think rationally. And pateints need to be motivated - therefore severe depression wll not be cured without combination.
  • What is the alternative explanation for success rate?

    There must be a successful relationship between client and therapsit - it can be the deciding factor between success and failure.
  • IS CBT good for people with childhood trauma?

    No, becuase it ignores the past and focuses on the present and how to deal with behaviour. Therefore circumstance can effect success (abuse/poverty)