The SERT gene has been identified as a candidate gene for OCD, this determines how effective the transport of serotonin is around the brain (across synapses). Carrying the SERT gene causes a disruption to serotonin disruption and therefore OCD.
Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that effects mood. If serotonin levels are disrupted, messages involving mood are not reaching the right parts of the brain. Disturbing cognition, emotion and behavioral.
What is the neural explaition of OCD? (Brain abnormality)
Some types of OCD involve impared decision making, this takes place in the frontal lobe. The sides of the frontal lobe are abnormal in patients of OCD.
There is evidence to show the parahippocampal gyrus is associated with unpleasant emotions - functioning abnormally in patients with OCD.
You cant seperate nature and nurture because they grow up in the same home. Concordance rates are never conclusive so diathesis stress model could be the most valid explanation.