Milgrams experiment (1963)

Cards (12)

  • What were the aims of Milgrams experiment?

    To see is ordinary americans would obey an unjust order from an authority figure
  • What was the procedure?

    40 males were told they were taking part in an investigation for the effect of punishment on learning. All pps were teachers and administered electric shocks to incorrect answers.
  • What was said when pps wanted to withdraw?
    'Please continue', 'it is essential you continue' and 'you have no choice, you must continue
  • What were the findings?
    All pps went to 30volts, 65% went all the way to 450volts and pps displayed signs of extreme anxiety and wanted to stop.
  • What are the conclusions?
    Most people blindly obey orders against their conscience. Proving evidence that situations are more powerful than disposition.
  • What were the issues with ethics in milgrams experiment

    Protection form harm, deception, informed concent and right to withdraw was broken.
  • Explain internal validity in terms of milgrams experiemnt

    Orne and Holland criticised the experiment, saying it lacked internal validity. (does the experiment really measure validity). Participants knew the shocks were not really happening.
  • Explain external validity in terms of milgrams experiemnt

    Orne and Holland criticised the generalisability of milgrams findings, claiming the situation had no relavence to real life. (ecological)
    He only studied men (population)
  • Explain Hoflings experiemnt
    A nurse alone on a night shift recieved a call from an unknown doctor, asking them to adminsitor 20 miligrams of a drug to a patient.
  • If the nurse obeyed in Hoflings experiment, what would they have been doing wrong.

    Giving twice the maximum amount, administering a drug not on the stock list, taking instruction from a stranger and not having it signed off by a doctor.
  • Explain the conclusions of Hoflings experiemnt
    21 of 22 pps went to give the medicine, highlighting pressure to obey.
  • Explain Sheridan and kings experiment
    The repeated milgrams experiment with puppies who were actually shocked. As voltage increased puppies reacted more and more until they screamed. 20 of 26 went to maximum voltage, proving external validity of milgram.