Features of research

Cards (11)

  • What is a Pilot Study?

    a smaller version of a proposed study and researchers frequently conduct these to refine the methodology / strengthen future study design.
  • Why use a pilot study?

    1. To ensure participants understand the standardised instructions.
    2. Are the timings adequate?
    3. Are the material sutible?
    4. Are there any confounding variables
    5. Do the behavioural categories work
  • What is a confounding variable?

    a factor other than the independent variable that might produce an effect in an experiment. (Temperature/noise)
  • What is a behavioiral category
    The behaviours in an observation that the conducter is looking for. (screaming, crying, hitting)
  • What are the 4 types of hypothesis?

    1. Experimental hypothesis
    2. Null hypothesis
    3. Non-directional hypothesis
  • What is a Experimental hypothesis?

    Talking about what you ARE going to find
  • What is a null hypothesis?

    Null means zero. so a null hypothesis states that two variables are not related. (The potential of NOT finding anything)
  • What is a non-directional hypothesis?

    States the relationship exists, but not the direction. (it is not specific)
  • What is a directional hypothesis?

    States the direction of the difference or relationship
  • What is an independant variable?

    The thing you change/manipulate
  • What is the dependant variable?

    variable that is measured