Types of experiment

Cards (15)

  • Describe a laboratory experiment
    An experiment carried out in a controlled/artifical experiment.
    The IV is directly minipulated
    PPS can randomly be allocated to conditions
  • What are the strenghts of a laboratory experiment?

    High control, Easily replicated and cause and effect can be established.
  • What are the weaknesses of a laboratory experiment?

    Ecological validity and demand characteristics are a huge issue and effects the validity.
  • What are examples of a laboratory experiment?
    Asch and Milgram
  • Describe a field experiment
    Carried out in a natural enviroment, IV is manipulated and PPS can randomly be allocated to conditions.
  • What are the strengths of a field experiment?

    High ecological validity and reduced demand characteristics.
  • What are the weaknesses of a field experiment?

    No control over confounding variables
    Cause and effect is harder to establish
    Replication is an issue
    Ethics such as infromed concent and deception is an issue
  • Give examples of a field experiment?

    Hofling and Bickman
  • Describe a natural experiment?

    IV is not manipulated (naturally occuring) and makes use of pre-existing IV.
  • What are the strenghts of a natural experiment?

    High ecological validity, No demand characteristics and ethics are not a risk.
  • What are the weaknesses of a natural experiment?

    No control of confounding varibles
    Cause and effect is harder to establish
    Replication is impossible
    Random allocation is impossible
  • What are examples of a natural experiment?

    Sperry and Rutter
  • What is the description of a Quasi experiment?

    Investigates affect on IV and DV
    Makes use of an IV that no one has to interfere with (biological)
  • What are the strenghts of a Quasi experiment?

    High ecological validity, no demand characteristics and ethics are not at risk.
  • What are the weaknesses of a Quasi experiment?

    No control of confounding variables, cause and effect is harder to establish, replication is impossible, random allocation is impossible.