Research design

Cards (9)

  • What is a repeated measures design?

    The same participants are used in both conditions
  • What are the strenghts of repeated measures design?

    No individual differences and fewer pps needed
  • What are the weaknesses of repeated measures design?

    Risk of demand characteristics and order effect.
  • What is independent measures design?

    Different participants are used in each condition of the independent variable.
  • What are the strenghts of independant measure design?

    Lower risk of demand characteristics, no order effect
  • What are the weakness of independant measure design?

    Individual differences and more pps needed
  • What is matched pairs design?

    Uses different participants in each condition but attempts to match them on important characteristics
  • What are the strenghts of matched pairs design?

    Individual differenced reduced, no order effects and no demand characteristics
  • What are the weakensses of matched pairs design?

    never completly matched, time consuming and expensive