Cards (103)

  • Who is considered the father of experimental psychology?
    Wilhelm Wundt
  • What are some limitations of classical conditioning?

    It oversimplifies complex behaviors and neglects cognitive factors and biological predispositions.
  • What is Social Learning Theory (SLT)?

    SLT posits that behavior is learned through observation and imitation of others.
  • What is vicarious reinforcement in SLT?

    Vicarious reinforcement occurs when an individual observes a model being rewarded for a behavior.
  • How does SLT differ from behaviorism?

    SLT emphasizes cognitive processes and social context, while behaviorism focuses solely on observable behaviors.
  • What are the strengths of the cognitive approach?

    It utilizes scientific methods, contributes to understanding mental processes, and has practical applications.
  • What are the limitations of the cognitive approach?

    It may oversimplify complex behaviors and neglect emotional and social factors.
  • What are the strengths of cognitive neuroscience?

    It provides a biological basis for cognitive theories and enhances understanding of mental disorders.
  • What are the key concepts of classical conditioning?

    • Unconditioned stimulus (US)
    • Unconditioned response (UR)
    • Conditioned stimulus (CS)
    • Conditioned response (CR)
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive approach?

    • Utilizes scientific methods
    • Contributes to understanding mental processes
    • Practical applications in therapy and education

    • Oversimplifies complex behaviors
    • Neglects emotional and social factors
    • Relies heavily on laboratory studies
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of cognitive neuroscience?

    • Provides a biological basis for cognitive theories
    • Enhances understanding of mental disorders
    • Utilizes advanced imaging techniques

    • Can be expensive
    • Interpretations of data can be complex
    • Relationship between brain activity and cognition is not always clear
  • What is the role of reinforcement in behavior?

    Reinforcement strengthens and increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
  • Why is reinforcement important in behavior modification?

    It helps to encourage desired behaviors and discourage undesired ones.
  • What is classical conditioning as demonstrated in Pavlov's study?

    • Pavlov paired the ringing of a bell with dog food.
    • The bell was a neutral stimulus; food was an unconditioned stimulus.
    • A conditioned response was formed through pairing.
    • The bell became a conditioned stimulus, producing salivation without food.
  • What was the neutral stimulus in Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment?

    The ringing of a bell.
  • What was the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's study?

    The food that naturally resulted in salivation.
  • How did the bell transform from a neutral stimulus to a conditioned stimulus in Pavlov's study?

    Through repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus (food), it elicited a conditioned response (salivation).
  • What is cognitive neuroscience?

    • An area of psychology.
    • Focuses on the neural bases of cognitive functions.
  • Why is cognitive neuroscience significant in psychology?

    It helps to understand how cognitive functions are linked to brain activity.
  • Social Cognitive Theory
    A theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of social factors in learning and behavior.
  • Cognitive Approach Limitations
    Oversimplification, Limited Scope, Methodological Challenges
  • Cognitive Approach Assumptions
    Mind as Computer, Information Processing, Internal Processing
  • Main Assumption of Cognitive Approach
    The Cognitive Approach assumes that internal mental processes such as thinking, memory, and perception can and should be studied scientifically.
  • How Cognitive Psychologists Explain Human Behavior

    They explain human behavior through the processing of information, likening the mind to a computer that inputs, stores, and retrieves data.
  • introspection is the process by which 

    A person gains knowledge about his or her own mental/emotional states
  • Wilhem wundt
  • Wundt’s Lab was located in 

    Leipzig Germany
  • What was wundts aim?
    to study the structure of the human mind
  • Wundts methods were unreliable because…

    his research relied primarily on ‘nonverbal’ responses
  • Introspection is not particularly accurate because

    attitudes and stereotypes are unknown to us
  • Introspection is still useful in scientific psychology because…

    it can be used, for example, to measure something’s such as happiness
  • Classical conditioning is… 

    when one stimulus is associated with an other stimulus, leading to the same response getting triggered
  • Pavlov researched 

    classical conditioning in dogs
  • Pavlov in 

  • Natural stimulus in any reflex is referred to as 

    the unconditioned stimulus
  • The natural response to the UCS is

    the unconditioned response
  • A neutral stimulus is introduced
    which does not elicit the the UCR but is presented slightly before the UCS
  • After many parings of the NS+UCS,

    The NS is now able to produce the same response without the UCS present - salvation at the sound of bell
  • NS is now referred to as the

    CS conditioned stimulus
  • The response to the CS is the 

    CR Conditioned response