Weather Hazards

Cards (19)

  • What does the Global Atmospheric Circulation show?
    It shows the transfer of heat by movement of air from the equator to the poles and back down to the equator in a loop.
  • The air moves due to the differences in air pressure. Wind blows from high pressure areas to low pressure areas
  • What is the Coriolis effect?
    It is how the wind curves due to the Earths rotation
  • What are the conditions in low pressure areas
    Lots of rainfall
  • What are the conditions in High pressure areas
    Very dry, this is where most deserts are found
  • What causes the air to rise at the Equator?
    The sun warms the Earth at the Equator
  • What happens to the air as it rises at the Equator?
    It cools and moves away from the equator
  • What is created 30 degrees North and South of the Equator?
    A high pressure belt
  • What happens to the cool air at 30 degrees North and South of the Equator?
    It sinks
  • What are the two directions cool air moves after sinking at 30 degrees North and South?
    Back to the equator as trade winds or to the poles as westerlies
  • What occurs at 60 degrees North and South of the equator?
    The warm air meets the cold air
  • What happens to the warmer air when it meets the cold air at 60 degrees North and South?
    It rises, creating low pressure
  • What happens to some of the air after it rises at 60 degrees North and South?
    Some moves back to the Equator, the rest moves to the poles
  • What creates high pressure at the poles?
    The cool air sinks
  • What happens to the high pressure air at the poles?
    It is drawn back to the equator
  • What are the conditions at the eye?
    The conditions are very calm due to the low pressure but temperature is high
  • What are the conditions at the eye wall?
    It is very rainy and winds are very strong with up to 160km in speed. The temperature is low due to the high pressure
  • How is climate change impacting Tropical Storms?
    .The thermal expansions (rising sea levels) are causing higher storm surges.
    .Warmer air can hold more moisture which means higher rainfall.
    .Number of storms won't change but there will be more 4/5
    .Slight change to distribution
  • What are the 3 ways to reduce the risks of Tropical storms?
    1. Planning
    2. Prediction/monitoring
    3. Protection