Systematic Desensitisation

Cards (16)

  • If we can learn a phobia, we can unlearn a phobia.
  • This is a therapy designed to gradually reduce phobic anxiety, using the principles of classical conditioning.
  • Idea-> Patient learns to relax when faced with their phobic stimulus, then they will be cured.
  • Learning a new response.
    Instead of fear or anxiety, patients are learning to be calm and relaxed.
  • Learning a different response is called Counter conditioning.
  • Impossible to experience opposite emotions at the same time.
    Cannot feel calm and anxious.
    One emotion cancels the other out.
  • This is called Reciprocal Inhibition.
  • Anxiety Hierarchy:
    Put together by Patient+ Therapist.
    Hierarchy of situations from least to most fearful for the phobic stimulus.
    Aim-> To move up the hierarchy when they feel fully relaxed.
    EG: Arachnophobia least=hold a photo of a spider most=hold and actual spider.
  • Relaxation Techniques:
    Therapist teaches Patient to relax as much as possible.
    This could be through breathing exercises, imaging themselves in a relaxing situation, learn meditation or taking prescription drugs.
  • Exposure:
    Two emotional states cannot exist at the same time.
    When a person has replaced fear with relaxation and reached the top of the hierarchy, treatment has been successful.
  • Treatment based on classical conditioning.
  • Treatment for phobias.
  • SD uses a anxiety hierarchy with relaxation techniques to treat phobias.
  • SD uses reverse conditioning to unlearn maladaptive responses to a situation or object, using relaxation.
  • Reciprocal Inhibition-> Two emotional states cannot exist at the same time.
  • Three processes in SD:
    1. Anxiety Hierarchy.
    2. Relaxation Techniques.
    3. Exposure.