based her theory on reports from her own patients about their childhoods and their relationship with their mothers.
Bateson (1972) emphasised risk not cause
such patterns of communication were not the main type of communication, and that the double-bind represented a risk factor, not a cause of schizophrenia.
Berry et al. (2008)
There is evidence that suggests that difficult family relations in childhood are associated with increased risk of schizophrenia in adulthood.
found that adult schizophrenia patients are more likely to display insecure attachments to their primary caregiver.
Read et al. (2005)
carried out a review of 46 studies of child abuse and schizophrenia.
They concluded that 69% of adult women and 59% men in-patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia had a history of physical abuse, sexual abuse or both in childhood.
Low validity of findings
information about childhood experiences was collected after the development of symptoms.
These symptoms might have distorted patients' recollections of childhood experiences because of the stress of raising a child with the illness.