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Cards (28)

  • What are the statements about white blood cells? 

    -Cells with nucleus/ organelles
    -defend the body against foreign invaders
    -Produced by the white bone marrow or lymph nodes
  • Average Blood volume for an adult

    5 liters
  • What is hemoglobin
    Gas carrying substance made up of heme pigment and iron
  • where is hemoglobin found 

    in Red blood cells
  • Where are red blood cells made

    In red bone marrow
  • Where are White blood cells made 

    in white bone marrow or your lymph nodes
  • Process of Blood Clots
    -Platelet ruptures against the jagged edges of a cut
    -Realese a chemical called thromboplastin
    -this chemical mixes with other substances in plasma: calcium, vitamin K and fibrinogen to make a sticky substance called FIBRIN
  • What is necessary for blood clotting
    Platelets or Thrombocytes
  • Red Blood Cells #1

    Only cells in the body without a nucleus
  • Red Blood Cells #2

    Their only job is to carry oxygen
  • Red Blood Cells #3
    Have a biconcave shave
  • Red Blood Cells #4

    Have hemoglobin > gas carrying substance made up of heme-pigment and iron
  • Red Blood Cells #5
    Produced from stem cells in your red bone marrow
  • Red Blood Cells #6

    Live about 120 days and then sent to the liver for disposal
  • Red Blood Cell #7 

    hemoglobin loves oxygen, only other gas to love oxygen more is carbon dioxide
  • White Blood Cells #1

    Cells with nucleus/ organelles
  • White Blood Cells #2
    Defend the body against foreign invaders
  • White Blood Cells #3
    Produce antibodies - mark the invader for destruction + immobilize it
  • White Blood Cells #4

    Phagocytosis > White blood cells ingest the foreign particle + digest it using lysosomes
  • Blood Groups
    -A protein called Anitgen on the surface of your red blood cells determines your blood type
    -it is inherited genetically from your parents
    -Your plasma is equipped with antibodies to target foreign red blood cells
  • Type A
    Type A has antibodies against B blood - A is familiar, B is foreign)
  • Type B
    Type B has antibodies against A blood - B is familiar, A is foreign)
  • Universal Donors and recipients 

    O negative are universal Donors, and AB positive are universal recipients
  • What does foreign proteins in bloods result in 

    The antibodies attack the new blood and clump it (agglutination) = blood clots = blockages
  • RH factor + Pregnancy
    -If the mother is RH negative and the father is RH positive the baby could be RH positive
    -first pregnancy > RH blood from baby mixes with moms RH negative blood during delivery - mom will make antibodies against RH
    -second pregnancy > If second baby is also RH positive, moms RH antibodies cross the placenta and attack baby’s blood
  • What is the function of blood
    Brings nutrients and oxygen to the rest of the body so they can keep working
  • What would happen if you take blood out of someone on top of a mountain
    -Lower oxygen levels
    -thicker blood
    -potential dizziness/ fainting
    -Effect of dehydration
    -Faster Oxygen Desaturation
  • What is blood doping
    When someone is injected with oxygenated blood to potentially increase their physical performance