Cards (77)

  • What are the alkali metals in Group IA?

    Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr
  • What is the flame color of sodium?

  • What is the flame color of potassium?

  • Why is hydrogen considered the lightest element?

    Because it has the lowest atomic mass of all elements
  • What are the properties of lithium?

    It has depressant and diuretic properties
  • What is sodium's chemical symbol and its origin?

    Natrium, derived from nature
  • Why is sodium used with caution in treating cardiac and renal conditions?

    Due to its fluid retention and osmotic effects
  • What is the predominant intracellular cation?

  • What condition can result from potassium deficiency?

    Hypokalemia, leading to muscle weakness
  • What is cesium used for in industry?

    As a catalyst in the polymerization of resin-forming materials
  • What are the coinage metals in Group IB?
    Cu, Au, Ag
  • What is unique about copper among metals?

    It is the only reddish-colored metal
  • What are the properties of copper salts?

    They are generally blue in color
  • What is Wilson's disease?

    It is a condition of increased copper levels in the brain, liver, kidneys, and cornea
  • What is the antidote for copper toxicity in Wilson's disease?

  • What is the oligodynamic action of silver?

    It can inhibit the growth of microorganisms at a small concentration
  • What is the antidote for silver toxicity (Argyria)?

    NSS, sodium thiosulfate, K ferricyanide
  • What is gold's chemical symbol and its unique property?
    Aurum, it is soluble only in aqua regia
  • What are the alkali earth metals in Group IIA?

    Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
  • What is the most toxic metal in Group IIA?

  • What is magnesium's role in the body?

    It is a natural calcium channel blocker and present in chlorophyll
  • What is calcium's role in the body?

    It is a cation of hydroxyapatite and involved in blood coagulation
  • What is the effect of vitamin D on calcium absorption?

    It is necessary for maximum absorption of calcium
  • What is strontium used for?

    In red pyrotechnics
  • What is radium known for?

    It is a radioactive element used in cancer chemotherapy
  • What are the third transition metals in Group IIB?

    Zn, Cd, Hg
  • What is the role of zinc in the body?

    It is present in insulin and has antiseptic properties
  • What is cadmium's toxicity and its antidote?

    It causes Itai-itai disease; antidote is BAL
  • What is mercury's natural source?

    Cinnabar (HgS)
  • What is Minamata disease?

    It is caused by mercury poisoning
  • What is the antidote for mercury poisoning?

    Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate, BAL, penicillamine
  • What are the elements in Group IIIA?

    B, Al, Ga, In, Tl
  • What is aluminum's primary use?

    As a gastric antacid and antiperspirant
  • What is the most abundant metal?
  • What are the elements in Group IVA?

    C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
  • What are the two forms of carbon?

    Crystalline and amorphous
  • What is activated charcoal used for?

    As a component of the universal antidote for poisoning
  • What is silicosis?

    A lung condition resembling chronic TB caused by silicon exposure
  • What is tin used for?

    In the manufacture of cans and utensils
  • What is lead's toxicity and its antidote?

    It causes plumbism; antidote is EDTA, BAL