Variables affecting conformity

Cards (17)

  • What is the Asch Effect?
    Copying other people rather than following your own belief
  • What was Asch's hypothesis regarding conformity?
    People would give the incorrect answer to maintain group unanimity
  • What was the procedure of the Asch experiment?
    • 6 people at a table: 5 confederates, 1 participant
    • Participant sat in the 2nd to last seat
    • Shown an image of 4 lines to identify the same length
    • Confederates instructed to give the wrong answer 12 out of 18 times
  • What percentage of participants conformed to the group in the Asch experiment?
  • What are the three variables that influence social conformity according to Asch?
    1. Group size
    2. Task difficulty
    3. Unanimity
  • How many confederates were needed to achieve a 30% conformity rate?
    At least 3 confederates
  • How does task difficulty affect conformity according to Asch's findings?
    People are less likely to conform to easier tasks
  • Why might participants conform to the second answer in the Asch experiment?
    Due to the similarity of the lines
  • What did Asch's second experiment reveal about conformity when one confederate gave the correct answer?
    Conformity dropped to 5%
  • What factor contributed to participants' confidence in providing the correct answer in Asch's second experiment?
    Having another confederate give the right answer
  • What were the findings of the Perrin and Spencer study regarding conformity?
    • Study considered outdated
    • Only one conforming result out of 396 trials in the UK
  • How do individualist cultures compare to collectivist cultures in terms of conformity according to Smith's study?
    Individualist cultures conform less than collectivist cultures
  • What percentage of people conformed in individualist cultures according to Smith's study?
  • What percentage of people conformed in collectivist cultures according to Smith's study?
  • What criticism did Bond raise regarding the Asch experiment's group size?
    No experiment used a majority size bigger than 9
  • What is the significance of the term "majority size" in the context of conformity?
    It refers to the size of the group influencing conformity
  • What is the relationship between self-confidence and conformity in the Asch experiment?

    • Participants with strong self-confidence were less likely to conform
    • Those lacking confidence were more likely to conform