Settlements develop where valuable minerals are found, as jobs are created in the mining industry
It is not just dormant and extinctvolcanoes that are mined, but also active volcanoes.
Kawah Ijen is an active volcano in East Java, Indonesia. Its crater is one of the biggest sulphuric lakes in the world
Sulphur is sold, for example, to bleach sugar, make matches, medicines and fertiliser.
However, mining in active volcanoes is dangerous:
Miners can afford little protective clothing.
Hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide gases burn their eyes and throat and cause respiratory diseases.
In the last 40 years, 74 miners have died from the fumes.
Loads of sulphur weighing100 kilograms are carried up and down the rocky and slippery mountain paths.
Nevertheless, miners can earn an average of six dollars per day (morethan on a coffee plantation), so miners continue to live and work in these dangerous areas.