4.1 - Aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Cards (16)

  • What is Cellular respiration?

    an exothermic reaction which transfers energy from glucose and is continuously occurring in living cells
  • How do organisms use their energy?

    - to build larger molecules from smaller molecules from smaller ones (Growth)
    - maintain body temperature
    - muscular contraction - so we can move
  • Why is respiration an exothermic reaction?

    because it releases energy
  • Which process in plants produces the glucose required for respiration?

  • Examples of how cells use the energy from respiration.

    - To combine small molecules to make larger molecules
    - To break large molecules into smaller molecules
    - For muscle contraction
    - To maintain our body temperature
    - To move substances around the cell
  • What is metabolism?

    sum of all chemical reactions in the body in order to maintain life
  • What is glucose converted to during anaerobic respiration in animals?

    Lactic acid
  • Chemical Equation for aerobic respiration in animals
    C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O
  • Word equation for aerobic respiration in animals

    glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + energy
  • Word equation for anaerobic respiration in animals

    glucose --> lactic acid
  • Where does aerobic respiration take place?

  • Where does anaerobic respiration take place?

  • When would anaerobic respiration take place?

    - Only when it has to
    - when your tissues cannot get enough oxygen required for aerobic respiration
  • Why is aerobic respiration favored over anaerobic respiration?

    - In anaerobic respiration, there is incomplete break down of the glucose molecule as there is no oxygen to oxidise ---> not all energy unlocked
    - In anaerobic respiration, lactic acid builds up which then has to be removed
  • Word equation for anaerobic respiration in plants and fungi

    glucose --> Ethanol + carbon dioxide
  • What are 3 ways that we take advantage of anaerobic respiration in yeast?

    - beer
    - wine
    - bread