Idiographic + nomothetic

    Cards (4)

    • Idiographic + nomothetic approach-
      • focused on the individual - not generalised
      • research methods: case study, qualitative data, unstructured
      • E.g- humanistic approach, psychodynamic approach
    • Idiographic + nomothetic approach-
      • aim to produce general laws
      • research methods: structured interviews, closed questions, quantitive data, large samples
      • E.g- attachment types, biological approach
      • reductionist- focused on basic universal units
      • deterministic- behaviour has a cause applied to everyone
    • Idiographic + nomothetic approach-
      Idiographic evaluations-
      CPS- contributes to nomothetic - in-depth qualitative data as a basis
      S- fits into scientific aims - E.G- triangulation
      CPW- restricted research, limited ability to be meaningly generalised due to the small explainations
    • Idiographic + nomothetic approach-
      Nomothetic evaluations-
      S- fits into scientific aims - similar process to natural sciences - standardisation and control of studies
      W- looses the understanding of the individual