Aims and Hypotheses

Cards (15)

  • The aim of a study takes the form of a general sentence/ statement covering the topic/ theory that will be investigated
  • The aim identifies the purpose of the research and what the study is attempting to achieve
  • hypothesis is a testable statement written as a prediction of what the researcher expects to find as a result of their experiment
  • hypotheses must be precise and unambiguous
  • A null hypothesis is a testable prediction in which no relationship between the two variables is expected to be found.
  • An alternate hypothesis is a testable prediction in which a relationship between the two variables is expected to be found when tested.
  • A directional hypothesis predicts the direction of the difference in conditions i.e. it state that one condition will out perform the other
  • non-directional hypothesis does not predict the direction of the difference in conditions i.e. it simply predicts that a difference will be shown
  • Operationalizing a variable involves clearly defining and measuring it in a way that allows researchers to collect and analyze quantifiable data. It typically involves selecting indicators to measure the variable and determining how the data will be interpreted
  • Directional hypothesis are better suited to theory’s that have a lot of research previously done on them- allowing for a more educated direction.
  • Correlational investigation hypothesis are written in the same way as experimental hypotheses apart from one crucial difference. Instead of using the term 'difference' you have to use the term 'relationship/correlation'
  • The independent variable: the only variable that should be changed or manipulated throughout an experiment
  • The dependent variable: the variable that is measured to determine the outcome of an experiment (the results)
  • Extraneous variables are any factors that may intrude upon and adversely affect the DV (not the IV, which the researcher has specifically implemented)
  • Confounding variables can affect the DV and negatively impact the research findings by effecting the cause and effect relationship (if extraneous variables aren’t controlled for they become these)