Cards (89)

  • According to William James, what are the two components of the self?
    The me-self and the I-self
  • What does the me-self represent in William James's theory?
    The empirical self, which is the object of thought
  • What are the three dimensions of the me-self according to William James?
    1. Material Self - pertains to the things you own
    2. Social Self - significant interpersonal relations
    3. Spiritual Self - one’s personality, character, and defining values
  • What is the I-self according to William James?
    The "pure ego" that provides continuity between past, present, and future selves
  • What is self-awareness as described in the I-self?
    The act of thinking about ourselves
  • What are the three dimensions of the I-self according to William James?
    1. Individual Self - personal identity based on unique traits
    2. Relational Self - how connections with others shape our sense of self
    3. Collective Self - identity in relation to larger social groups
  • What does Karen Horney believe is essential for healthy development?
    Childhood experiences that provide feelings of safety and security
  • What happens when parents fail to provide safety and security according to Horney?
    The child develops basic hostility and anxiety
  • What is the Idealized Self according to Horney?
    An overly positive image of the self developed from feelings of inferiority
  • What are the characteristics of the Idealized Self?
    1. Belief that they are better than others
    2. The world owes them
    3. They should be perfect
  • What is the Actualized Self?
    The person one is in everyday life, regardless of others' perceptions
  • What is the Despised Self?
    A negative view of the self based on feelings of inferiority and lack of acceptance
  • What is the Real Self according to Horney?
    The inner core of personality that reveals one's true potential
  • What are the two types of tendencies according to Carl Rogers?
    Formative and Actualizing tendencies
  • What is the difference between the Real Self and Ideal Self according to Carl Rogers?
    • Real Self: Aspects of being perceived in awareness
    • Ideal Self: Who you want to become in the future
  • What is required for the Ideal Self and Real Self to overlap?
    Congruence, empathy, and unconditional positive regard
  • What are the core features of human agency according to Albert Bandura?
    1. Intentionality
    2. Forethought
    3. Self-reactiveness
    4. Self-reflectiveness
  • What is self-efficacy?
    Feelings of adequacy, efficiency, and competence in coping with life
  • What distinguishes high efficacy from low efficacy?
    • High Efficacy: Belief in one's ability to achieve goals
    • Low Efficacy: Doubt in one's abilities leading to avoidance of challenges
  • What are the sources of self-efficacy?
    1. Performance Attainment
    2. Vicarious Experience
    3. Verbal Persuasions
    4. Physiological and Emotional Arousal
  • What is body image?
    An individual’s mental representation of their own body
  • What are the two types of body image?
    1. Internal/Personal: Perception of attractiveness
    2. External/Social: Sense of how others view our bodies
  • What is body image dissatisfaction?
    Not liking the way you look
  • What is external beauty?
    Physical characteristics of a person
  • What does Gill Rhodes's study suggest about facial beauty?
    Averageness is correlated with facial attractiveness
  • What is aesthetic capital?
    Privileges and wealth received from aesthetic traits
  • How does culture influence our perception of beauty?

    Cultures attempt to change bodies to meet beauty standards
  • What are the differences between body adornment and body modification?
    • Body Adornment: Temporary enhancements (e.g., styling)
    • Body Modification: Permanent alterations (e.g., surgery, tattoos)
  • What is body shaming?
    A culturally conditioned response to a fantasy of physical perfection
  • What is self-esteem?
    A person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value
  • How can people develop a positive body image?
    • Understand healthy bodies come in many shapes and sizes
    • Recognize physical appearance says little about character
    • Practice self-acceptance
  • What does the term 'sex' refer to?
    Biological characteristics based on anatomy and reproductive functions
  • What does 'gender' refer to?
    Roles, behaviors, and attributes considered appropriate for males and females
  • What is biological sex?
    The anatomy you’re born with
  • What is gender identity?
    How a person feels internally about their gender
  • What is gender expression?
    How individuals present their gender to the world
  • What does cisgender mean?
    A person whose gender identity aligns with the sex assigned at birth
  • What does transgender mean?
    A person whose gender identity does not align with the sex assigned at birth
  • What does genderqueer mean?
    A person whose gender identity exists outside of the traditional male/female binary
  • What does gender non-conforming mean?
    A person whose gender expression does not align with traditional expectations