Agentic state and legitimacy authority

Cards (8)

  • What is Agentic state
    In an obedience situation people pass all responsibility for their actions to the authority figure.
  • How is agnetic state demonstrated in real life?

    In Milgrams study, PPS reported they knew it was wrong, and they felt the experiment was responsible.
    At the Nuremberg trials, Nazi soliders defended their actions saying they were just following orders.
  • Explain Blass and Schmitts study (2001)

    They showed students footage of milgrams experiemnt and asked them to identify who was responsible. Students blamed the experimentor, which supports the agentic state.
  • Explain the negatives of the agentic state
    It does not explain why so many of Milgrams PPS did not obey the experientor. In theory, everyone would have obeyed because of social hierarchy. There must be alternative explanations.
  • Explain what Mandel said (1998)

    Nazi soliders obeyed orders to shoot polish civillians. When given the choice to continue or be reassigned, they all continued. This shows in real life situations behaviour cannot always be explained.
  • What is Legitimate authority?

    Obeying those higher in the hierarchy (parents/teachers). This leads to a smooth running society. Problems arise when this becomes destructive.
  • What are the cultural differences related to legitimate authority?
    Australia has a history of questioning authority (16% obedience in milgram replication)
    Germany teaches obedience from a young age (85% obedinece in milgram replication).
  • What are the positives of legitimate authority?

    Obedience levels fall drastically when experimental setting was moved - showing they no longer trust the authority figure.
    Hofling and Bickman supports it because of uniforms and doctors having more authority than doctors.