Creates geneticvariation within the population, meaning differentindividuals have differentcharacteristics leading to naturalselection and evolution
What do the sugar and phosphate groups in the nucleotides form?
A “backbone“ to the DNAstrands. The sugar and phosphategroupsalternate
One of 4 different bases join to each sugar, what are the bases?
A (adenine)T (thymine)C (cytosine)G (guanine)
What is the structure of DNA?
A DNA molecule has two strandscoiledtogether, in the shape of a double helix
What are the complementary base pairs joined together by?
What is a chromosome?
Long, coiledupmolecules of DNA
Where are chromosomes found?
In the nucleus of a eukaryoticcell
What is a gene?
A section of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a particular protein
What is a genome?
Do you want DNA extraction from fruit, why is the fruit put in a beaker with detergent and salt?
The detergent makes the cellmembranesbreakdownandreleaseDNA
The salt makes the DNAsticktogether
In the second stage of DNA extraction why do you filter the mixture?
To get the froth and big, insoluble bits of cell out
in DNA extraction, what liquid is added to the filtered mixture?
Why does the DNA start to come out during DNA extraction?
DNA isn’tsoluble in coldalcohol and will appear as a stringywhiteprecipitate that can be fished out on a glassrod
What are proteins made up of?
chains of molecules called aminoacids
Each different protein has its own particular what?
number and order of amino acids
Why do the amino acids chains fold up?
To give each protein a different, specific shape which means each protein can have a different function
What decides the order of amino acids in a protein?
The order of the bases in a gene
What is a base triplet?
Each aminoacid is coded for by a sequence of 3 bases in the gene
Why does each gene contain a different sequence of bases?
Allows it to code for a particular protein
What is non-coding DNA?
DNAthatdoesn’t codeforanyamino acids
What is a mutation?
A rarerandomchange to organismsDNAbasesequence that can be inherited
How does a mutation affect a protein?
If a mutation occurs in a gene, it produces a geneticvariant. the geneticvariant may code for a differentsequence of aminoacids, which may change the shape and activity
What might happen to the activity of an enzyme?
Increase, decrease, or stop altogether
Where are proteins made?
In the cellcytoplasm by subcellularstructures called ribosomes
Where is DNA found?
In the cellnucleus and can’tmoveoutofit because it’s reallybig. the cell needs to get the information from the DNA to the ribosome in the cytoplasm
How is DNA different mRNA?
Like DNA mRNA is a polymer of nucleotides but it’s shorter and only a single strand. it uses U (uracil) instead of T (thymine)
What is the RNA polymerase?
The enzyme involved in joining together RNA nucleotides to make mRNA. this stage of protein synthesis is called transcription
What is the 1st stage of transcription?
RNApolymerase binds to a region of non-coding DNA in front of the gene
What is the 2nd stage of transcription?
The two DNAstrandsunzip and the RNA polymerase moves along 1 of the strands of DNA