Differentiation is where a cellbecomesspecialised to do it's job
Why does differentiation occur in organisms?
when an animal develops but lots of plants don't.
what are undifferentiated cells called?
stem cells
what are sperm cells specialised cells for?
A sperm cell is to get the male DNA to the female DNA.It has a longtail to help it swimtotheegg. There are lots of mitochondria in the cell that provideenergy. It also containsenzymes in it's head to digestthroughtheegg cell membrane.
What are nerve cells specialised for ?
Nerve cells carry electrical signals around the body and arelongtocovermore distance.They havebranched connections at their end toconnecttoothernervecellstoformanetwork throughout the body.
what are muscle cells specialised for?
what are root hair cells specialised for?
what are phloem and xylem specialised for?
Muscle cells contract quickly, and they arelong so they have spacetocontract. It also contains lotsofmitochondria for the energy needed for contraction.
root hair cells are thin, which increases the surfacearea for absorbingwater and minerals.
nerve cells have branchedconnections called synapses where chemicals can be released into the gap between two neurons to transmit an electricalsignal along the next part of the nervous system.
phloem and xylem contain many tubes that transport substances up and down the plant. They are made from dead cells with thick walls to support them as they transport materials through the plant.
cells that differentiate in mature animals are mainly used for what?
repairing and replacingcells such as skin or blood cells
adult stem cells
sperm and egg cell creates a zygote and then mitosis happens to create embroys where they can differentiate into any type of cell
name 2 type of stem cells in animals
adult stem cells
embryonic stem cells
Which two parts of the plant contain meristem tissue?
tips of shoots and roots
What do we call the plant tissues that are continually growing and that contain stem cells?
What do we call the plant tissues that are continually growing and that contain stem cells?
what are the parts of the central nervous system (CNS)?