Social learning theory

Cards (8)

  • Assumptions of the social learning theory?

    -Behaviour is learned through experiences
    -People also learn through observing others
    -Therefore learning can occur directly and indirectly
  • The 4 stages of the social learning theory
    Identification-children recognise a person as their role model because they possess similar or desirable qualities
    Imitation-children observing role models behaviour and imitating it
    Modelling-children imitating the behaviour
    Vicarious reinforcement/punishment-children do not receive a reward/punishment for their behaviour but observe this happening to their role model
  • What are mediational processes?

    What happens between observing a role models behaviour and imitating that behaviour
  • What are the 4 mediational processes?

    Attention-An individual needs to pay attention to the role models behaviour and its consequences
    Retention-Remembering observed behaviours and storing them in LTM
    Reproduction-The individual having the ability to reproduce the observed behaviour
    Motivation-Expected outcomes influence willingness to imitate observed behaviour
  • Describe Banduras Bobo Doll experiment (1961)?

    -Participants (children aged 3-6) split into two groups
    -One group observed an adult demonstrating physical and verbal aggression towards a bobo doll in a room filled with toys
    -Other group watched an adult act non-aggressively with different toys
    -An experimenter observed and recorded the childrens physical and verbal aggression from behind a one-way mirror
  • Evaluations of Banduras experiment:
    -High internal validity
    -Only demonstrated short-term social learning
    -Questionable ecological validity due to experiment taking place in a controlled lab
    -Ethical implications due to exposing children to aggressive role models which may cause emotional or psychological distress
  • Strengths of the social learning theory?

    -Credible since it is supported by robust evidence in the form of an experiment with high internal validity
    -Less reductionist approach giving a more valid understanding of human behaviour
  • Limitations of the social learning theory?

    -Research supporting the theory relies on inferences since processes such as identification and vicarious reinforcement are not observable but are inferred
    -Research only demonstrates short term social learning