Despite not being responsible for the Alien's existence, the crew help to facilitate its birth by letting Kane back onto the ship and not quarantining him.
The drive for scientificadvancement is physically programmed into Ash, whose goal is to return the Alien to Earth.
And so, Ash (and by extension the crew) become a sort of Frankenstein by bringing a monster to life that they have no control over.
This narrative parallels with Mary Shelley's 1818 novel 'Frankenstein'.
In Shelley's novel, a scientist (Victor Frankenstein) creates a creature which inflicts harm on others and turns against him, and that he inevitably has no control over.
The crew act as a sort of Frankenstein, scientists who unknowingly bring in a violent monster that inflicts harm, and who have no control over its actions.
You could view the story of 'Alien' as an allegory- the film comes after other works that explore themes of monstrous creations turning against their creators.