Four Humours

Cards (8)

  • Blood
    Cure - bloodletting, eating meat, drinking wed wine
    Association - spring + air
  • Yellow Bile

    Cure - purging or change diet
    association - summer + fire
  • Hippocrates
    Believed people were ill due to the in-balance of their humours
    also known as humourism
    Believed pain occurs that different foods and seasons would also effect the humours to keep everything in moderation and balanced
  • Every doctor had a chart saying which illness was caused by which humour. This was used alongside a zodiac chart which showed the best time to treat illness, plan operation or herbs needed.
  • Winter - Phlegm was produced more in winter therefore knocking the body out of balance, a doctor would then restore the balance
  • Spring - if a patient was too feverish and ill this was because they had too much blood
  • Greek doctors used the four humours as a basis for their diagnosis
  • Influenced medicine until the 1800s