Subject Choice

Cards (35)

  • What does the National Curriculum provide regarding subject choice?
    It gives students little room to choose subjects.
  • What are the traditional gender patterns of subject choice at Post 16 and beyond?
    • Boys: Graphics, Resistant Materials, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Engineering, Construction
    • Girls: Food Technology, Sociology, English, Languages, Childcare, Health & Social Care, Beauty Therapy
  • How do gender differences in subject choice vary in single-sex schools?
    They tend to be less marked in single-sex schools.
  • What is meant by 'hegemonic heterosexual masculinity' in schools?
    It refers to the dominant masculine identity shaped by various school processes.
  • What are the external factors influencing gender identities and subject choice?
    1. Primary socialisation
    2. Career aspirations
    3. Gender domains
  • What does primary socialisation refer to?
    The process of learning the culture of a society inside the family.
  • How do toys influence gender identities according to Kelly (1987)?
    Males tend to play with construction toys, fostering interest in scientific subjects.
  • What type of toys do females typically play with, and how does this affect their subject choice?
    Females play with dolls, leading to an interest in language-based subjects.
  • What is a criticism of using toys as an explanation for subject choice?
    It is deterministic, as not all boys play with Lego and all girls with dolls.
  • How have children's books historically influenced gender roles?
    They have reinforced traditional gender roles through stereotyping.
  • What is a contemporary criticism of early children's books like the ladybird series?
    They are considered dated as more recent stories are less gender-stereotyped.
  • What reading preferences do boys and girls typically have, according to recent evidence?
    Boys prefer hobby books and information texts, while girls prefer stories.
  • How do career aspirations influence subject choice for males and females?
    • Females: Concentrated in the service sector, leading to choices like Health & Social Care.
    • Males: Concentrated in primary & secondary sectors, leading to choices like Construction.
  • How does social class affect vocational course choices according to Fuller (2011)?
    Working-class girls had limited aspirations, reinforced by school placements based on class and gender.
  • What are gender domains?
    • Tasks and activities seen as male or female territory.
    • Girls choose Humanities and Social Sciences; boys choose Science and Design.
  • What does Lees (1993) argue about double standards in schools?
    Schools reinforce a dominant male heterosexual identity, approving male sexual conquest while labeling girls negatively.
  • How do boys use verbal abuse in schools according to the study by Willis (1979)?

    Boys use verbal abuse to reinforce their definitions of masculinity.
  • What is the male gaze in educational settings?
    It is a form of social control where males view women as sexual objects.
  • How do female peer groups gain symbolic capital according to Archer (2011)?
    By investing in a hyper-heterosexual feminine identity, dressing glamorously, and having boyfriends.
  • What risks do girls face when gaining symbolic capital through boyfriends?
    They may be shamed for being too competitive or not competitive enough.
  • What identity do girls who want to excel academically often adopt?
    They adopt a 'boffin' identity, which can lead to exclusion from other girls.
  • How do teachers reinforce dominant definitions of gender identity?
    By teasing boys for behaving like girls and ignoring boys' verbal abuse of girls.
  • What are gendered subject images?
    • Science and Technology are seen as masculine domains.
    • Fewer female science teachers and male-dominated classrooms lower female participation.
  • What has Kelly (1987) observed about female participation in science?
    There are fewer female science teachers, leading to a lack of positive role models.
  • How do teachers' explanations in science lessons affect female students?
    Teachers often use examples that males can identify with, which may alienate female students.
  • What initiatives have helped raise female interest in science and technology?
    GIST and WISE initiatives have developed gender-neutral learning resources.
  • How does peer pressure affect boys' subject choices?
    Boys may avoid subjects like Biology and Dance to not appear effeminate.
  • How does peer pressure affect girls' subject choices?
    Girls may feel pressured to avoid Physics and Sport as they are not part of their gender domain.
  • Why is there less gendered division in subject choice in single-sex schools?
    The absence of peer pressure from the opposite sex reduces gendered divisions.
  • What is the conclusion regarding gender differences in subject choice?
    • Gender differences remain ingrained despite feminisation of education.
    • Outside factors may be stronger than inside school factors.
    • Traditional gender identities significantly affect educational achievement.
  • What did Archer et al. (2010) find regarding female concerns about symbolic capital?
    They found that such concerns deterred females from studying masculine subjects like Science and Maths.
  • What is the overall impact of schooling on gender identities according to the study material?
    Schooling reinforces a dominant heterosexual masculine identity, affecting educational achievement.
  • What are the implications of traditional gender identities on educational achievement?
    • Significant impact based on gender, ethnicity, and social class.
    • Non-conformity to traditional identities can lead to bullying.
  • What are some recommended further readings on the topic?
    • Webb R et al. (2015) AQA A level Sociology
    • Webb R & Trobe K. (2015) Succeed at A Level Sociology
    • Browne K. (2015) Sociology for AQA Vol 1
  • What are some sample AS and A Level questions related to gender differences in subject choice?
    • Define 'gender domains'
    • Explain how the 'male gaze' affects education
    • Reasons for girls' higher achievement
    • Evaluate gender differences in educational attainment