
Cards (352)

  • What is the main focus of the AQA A Level Sociology topic companion on education?
    The role and functions of the education system
  • What are the three main functions of education according to functionalists?
    Secondary socialisation, role allocation, and providing necessary skills for the economy
  • Who are the key theorists mentioned in relation to the functions of education?
    Durkheim, Parsons, Davis and Moore, and New Right theorists
  • What does Durkheim mean by secondary socialisation?
    It is the process of learning universal norms and values shared by broader society
  • How does Durkheim differentiate between mechanical and organic solidarity in relation to education?
    Mechanical solidarity is based on shared norms in agrarian societies, while organic solidarity requires a more complex education system in industrial societies
  • What role does education play in teaching social rules according to Durkheim?
    Education teaches children to abide by social rules, limiting deviance and promoting self-discipline
  • What specialist skills does Durkheim believe education teaches?
    Skills necessary for functioning in a complex industrial society
  • What is a Marxist critique of Durkheim's views on education?
    Marxists argue that shared values serve the interests of the powerful, not a neutral consensus
  • How do postmodernists view Durkheim's idea of a value consensus in education?
    They argue that contemporary society is diverse and multicultural, making a value consensus impossible
  • What is Hargreaves' argument regarding the education system?
    He argues that the education system promotes individualism and competition rather than social solidarity
  • What does Parsons believe about the role of education in society?
    He sees education as facilitating meritocracy by allocating jobs based on talent and achievements
  • What is meritocracy according to Parsons?
    A society where jobs and pay are allocated based on individual talent and achievements
  • How does Parsons view the relationship between effort and social roles?
    He believes that effort is rewarded, ensuring individuals perform roles suited to their abilities
  • How does Merton's Strain Theory relate to education?
    Merton argues that shared societal goals can lead to crime when individuals cannot achieve them through hard work
  • What is a Marxist critique of Parsons' view on meritocracy?
    Marxists argue that the appearance of meritocracy is an ideology that masks class inequalities
  • What do Davis and Moore argue about social stratification and meritocracy?
    They argue that social stratification is necessary for meritocracy to function effectively
  • How do Davis and Moore explain the relationship between competition and rewards in education?
    They state that competition for higher rewards encourages individuals to put in extra effort
  • What is a Marxist critique of Davis and Moore's views on education?
    Marxists argue that the education system reinforces inequality rather than facilitating meritocracy
  • What do New Right theorists believe about the current state of education?
    They believe that state education fails to be meritocratic due to centralised control and lack of competition
  • How do New Right theorists view the role of competition in education?
    They argue that competition drives up educational standards and fosters ambition
  • What is a criticism of the New Right's approach to education?
    Excessive competition can harm children and lead to negative outcomes
  • What is the New Right's perspective on parental control in education?
    They advocate for a parentocracy where parents have control over educational values and choices
  • What is a criticism of the New Right's emphasis on parental control?
    It overlooks the advantages that wealthier parents have in influencing educational outcomes
  • What are the key functions of education according to functionalists?
    • Secondary socialisation
    • Role allocation
    • Providing necessary skills for the economy
  • What are the criticisms of the functionalist perspective on education?
    • Marxists argue that education serves the interests of the powerful
    • Postmodernists claim that a value consensus is impossible in diverse societies
    • Critics point out that education may not adequately prepare students for modern jobs
  • How does the New Right view the role of competition in education?
    • Competition is essential for improving educational standards
    • It encourages ambition and effort among students
    • Schools should be answerable to parents to ensure quality
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the New Right approach to education?
    • Promotes competition and choice
    • Aims to improve educational standards

    • Can harm children who do not succeed
    • Overlooks advantages of wealthier families
    • May lead to unequal educational opportunities
  • What is the New Right's claim regarding social policy in education?
    They advocate for a small-state, market-led approach but engage in top-down state interference.
  • What will be considered in the section on educational policies?
    The strengths and criticisms of New Right approaches.
  • What is one of the core themes of A Level sociology related to education?
    • Socialisation is a core theme.
    • Functionalists view socialisation as a principal function of the education system.
    • Secondary socialisation differs from primary socialisation.
  • What do functionalists see as a key function of education?
    Teaching children the norms and values of wider society.
  • How do Marxists view the functionalist perspective on education?
    They argue that functionalists ignore the negative effects of education for some groups.
  • What are the key topics to outline, analyze, and evaluate regarding conflict theories of education?
    • Marxist views of the education system in capitalist society.
    • Correspondence principle (Bowles and Gintis).
    • Willis on anti-school subcultures.
    • Bourdieu on cultural capital.
    • Feminist views on education in patriarchal society.
  • What did Louis Althusser argue about the education system?
    It is part of the ideological state apparatus that maintains bourgeois power.
  • How does Althusser view the role of education in relation to the proletariat?
    It prepares working-class pupils to accept a life of exploitation.
  • How does Althusser's view of education compare to Durkheim's perspective?
    Both see education as teaching norms and values, but Althusser argues these serve the ruling class's interests.
  • What is the difference between the formal curriculum and the hidden curriculum in education?
    The formal curriculum consists of what is explicitly taught, while the hidden curriculum includes implicit lessons about social norms and values.
  • What example illustrates the formal curriculum's ideological role in education?
    Michael Gove's emphasis on teaching a heroic version of British history.
  • How do functionalists and Marxists differ in their views on hierarchy in education?
    Functionalists see hierarchy as necessary for societal function, while Marxists view it as a means to maintain power for the elite.
  • What did Bowles and Gintis identify as the correspondence between school and the workplace?
    Both involve uniforms, strict time-keeping, hierarchy, rewards, and punishments.