Families & Households

Cards (300)

  • What is the main focus of the AQA A Level Sociology topic companion on Families & Households?
    The relationship of the family to the social structure and social change
  • What key concepts should be identified, outlined, explained, analyzed, and evaluated in the study of families and households?
    • Family
    • Household
    • Functionalist views
    • Marxist views
    • Feminist views
    • New Right views
  • How is the term "family" defined in a sociological context?
    As parents living together with their children as a "unit"
  • What is the broader definition of "family"?
    All the descendants of a common ancestor, as in a "family tree"
  • What is the narrower definition of "family" used in sociology?
    Parents living together with their children
  • Why might a single parent with adopted children be considered a family?
    Because family definitions do not require blood relations or marriage
  • What is the definition of a household?
    A group of people who live together, regardless of kinship ties
  • What do functionalists argue about the role of families in society?
    Families have important functions for both society and individuals
  • Who proposed the classic functionalist statement on the roles of the family?
    George Murdock
  • What are the four functions of families identified by George Murdock?
    1. Educational: Teaching norms and values (primary socialisation)
    2. Economic: Pooling resources for members' needs
    3. Reproductive: Producing the next generation
    4. Sexual: Controlling and stabilizing adult sexual relationships
  • What did Talcott Parsons argue about the functions of the family in modern Western societies?
    That the family has two irreducible functions
  • What are the two irreducible functions of the family according to Parsons?
    Primary socialisation and stabilization of adult personalities
  • What is primary socialisation as defined by Parsons?
    The teaching of norms and values associated with family and community
  • How does Parsons describe the stabilization of adult personalities?
    Families help prevent adults from behaving disruptively and provide emotional support
  • What is the "warm bath theory" proposed by Parsons?
    That family provides relaxation and emotional support for adults after work
  • What are some criticisms of functionalist views on the role of families?
    • Conflict theorists argue it presents an idealistic view of family life.
    • Families can cause stress as well as relieve it.
    • Feminists argue families benefit men more than women.
    • The theories are outdated and do not reflect diverse family structures.
  • What is the traditional Marxist view on families?
    Families perform a role for capitalism and the ruling class
  • How do Marxists view the function of families in society?
    As institutions that benefit a rich minority rather than all members
  • What economic function of the family did Engels argue?
    That families ensure wealth remains with the bourgeoisie
  • How do family relations facilitate inheritance according to Engels?
    By ensuring wealth is passed down through legal contracts
  • What did Zaretsky argue about family life for proletarian men?

    It provides a space where they can feel in control and be the "boss"
  • How do Marxists view the family in relation to capitalism?
    As a conservative institution that preserves capitalism
  • What are some criticisms of Marxist views on the role of families?
    • Engels' view is overly focused on economic aspects.
    • Functionalists argue families exist in various societies, not just capitalist ones.
    • Zaretsky's theory is outdated and assumes a male worker.
    • It ignores emotional support and positive benefits of family life.
  • What do feminists argue about the family?
    That it preserves and supports patriarchy
  • What is the focus of liberal feminism regarding the family?
    Striving for legal equality between the sexes
  • When was marital rape formally recognized as a crime in the UK?
  • What do liberal feminists believe about the current state of gender equality?
    That while legal battles have been won, cultural values still need to change
  • What do radical feminists believe about the family?
    That it is a vehicle for male oppression
  • What do radical feminists argue about girls' socialization through families?
    That girls are socialized to accept oppression and inequality as normal
  • How do Marxist feminists view the relationship between capitalism and patriarchy?
    They argue that families help preserve both systems
  • What are some criticisms of feminist views on the functions of families?
    • They may present a too negative view of family life.
    • Some feminists are criticized for portraying women as passive.
    • Postmodern feminists argue women can resist oppression.
    • Ideas may be outdated as many women now work.
  • What do New Right sociologists argue about the nuclear family?
    That it is the bedrock of society
  • How is the nuclear family defined by New Right sociologists?
    As two married heterosexual parents with a small number of children
  • What does Charles Murray argue about welfare policies and the nuclear family?

    That they have undermined the nuclear family
  • What does Murray claim about the dependency culture created by welfare policies?
    That it encourages single-parent families and reduces responsibility
  • How do New Right sociologists link dysfunctional families to crime and deviance?
    • They argue that dysfunctional families socialize the next generation with deviant norms.
    • This leads to criminality and social issues.
  • What are some criticisms of New Right views on the functions of families?
    • Accused of blaming the poor for their poverty.
    • Seen as a political position rather than a sociological perspective.
    • Criticized for oversimplifying complex social issues.
  • What core themes are linked to the study of families?
    • Socialisation: Different sociologists disagree on its nature and outcome.
    • Power: Examines power relations between genders and social classes.
  • What is a possible exam question related to functionalism and the family?
    Analyse two criticisms of functionalist views on the role of the family in contemporary society.
  • What is a possible exam question related to Marxism and the family?
    Discuss how Marxists view the family in relation to capitalism.