Beliefs in Society

Cards (319)

  • What are the three key terms discussed in the section on ideology, science, and religion?
    Ideology, science, and religion
  • How did traditional belief systems differ from modern understandings of the world?
    Traditional belief systems relied on supernatural explanations, while modern views often use scientific evidence.
  • How did Karl Popper differentiate between science and religion?
    Popper described religion as a closed belief system and science as an open belief system.
  • What does it mean for a belief system to be considered "closed" according to Popper?
    A closed belief system does not accept criticism or opportunities for development.
  • What is the Marxist view of ideology?
    Marxists see ideology as a set of dominant ideas that justify the power of the ruling class.
  • How do feminists relate to the Marxist concept of ideology?
    Feminists argue that patriarchal ideology maintains men's dominance by convincing women that patriarchy is natural.
  • What is false consciousness in Marxist theory?
    False consciousness is the idea that the proletariat is misled into believing capitalism is fair and just.
  • What role do institutions play in reinforcing ideology according to Marxists?
    Institutions reinforce ideology by creating an illusion that supports the ruling class's interests.
  • What is a criticism of the Marxist view of ideology?
    Critics argue that Marxism itself can act as an ideology, as seen in communist countries.
  • How do neo-Marxists view the traditional Marxist perspective on ideology?
    Neo-Marxists argue that there are multiple competing ideologies, not just a single dominant one.
  • In what way is religion considered an ideology?
    Religion is seen as a set of beliefs that can justify power structures, similar to ideology.
  • What are the three main approaches to defining religion in sociology?
    Substantive, functional, and social constructionist
  • How did Max Weber define religion?
    Weber defined religion as a belief in a supernatural power that cannot be scientifically explained.
  • What is a functional definition of religion?
    A functional definition focuses on the social or psychological functions religion performs for individuals or society.
  • What do social constructionists argue about defining religion?
    Social constructionists argue that there are too many types of religion to have a single definition.
  • What is the general understanding of science in sociological discourse?
    Science is generally seen as value-free, objective, and based on empirical evidence.
  • What is the key question regarding sociology's status as a science?
    The key question is whether sociology can be considered a science like natural sciences.
  • What are the main differences between science and religion?
    Science is an open belief system based on evidence, while religion is often a closed belief system based on faith.
  • How does Thomas Kuhn's concept of paradigms relate to science?
    Kuhn argues that science operates within paradigms that resist change unless sufficient evidence is presented.
  • How can science be seen as less objective than often claimed?
    Science can be influenced by funding sources, which may bias research outcomes.
  • How has the relationship between religion and government changed in western democracies?
    Religion is less closely linked to government than it was in the past in western liberal democracies.
  • What is the significance of linking different topics in sociology?
    Linking topics helps to understand the broader implications and interconnections within sociological theories.
  • What is the role of socialisation in belief systems?
    Socialisation produces shared norms and values that shape belief systems in society.
  • What is the Marxist view on how ideology is transmitted in society?
    Marxists argue that various institutions transmit bourgeois ideology, making it common sense.
  • What is the functionalist perspective on socialisation and belief systems?
    Functionalists see socialisation as a process that creates widely beneficial shared norms and values.
  • What is the focus of the next section in the study material?
    The next section focuses on the relationship between social change and social stability in relation to religion.
  • What is the main task of the essay prompt regarding belief in science?
    Evaluate the view that belief in science is a religion.
  • What is a common mistake students make when answering the essay prompt?
    Answering in a non-sociological, opinion-heavy way.
  • What should students consider before answering the essay question on belief in science?
    • Identify relevant sociology concepts
    • Stay focused on evaluative and analytical aspects
    • Plan the answer before writing
  • What are the three sociological perspectives on religion that need to be evaluated?
    • Functionalist
    • Traditional Marxist
    • Feminist
  • What are the key sociologists associated with functionalist views on religion?
    • Durkheim
    • Parsons
    • Bellah
    • Malinowski
  • What are the key sociologists associated with traditional Marxist views on religion?
    • Marx
    • Althusser
  • What is the key feminist perspective on religion?
    • Religion acts as a conservative force maintaining patriarchy.
  • According to functionalists, what is the role of religion in society?
    Religion is a conservative force that creates social order and maintains value consensus.
  • Who conducted a study of the Arunta tribe to understand the function of religious beliefs?
  • What did Durkheim argue about the division of objects and activities in religion?
    He argued that society divides them into the sacred and the profane.
  • What are the four key functions of religion identified by Durkheim?
    1. Discipline
    2. Cohesion
    3. Vitalising
    4. Euphoric
  • What does the function of discipline in religion entail according to Durkheim?
    Religious rituals impose self-discipline, encouraging sociable behavior.
  • How does religion promote social cohesion according to Durkheim?
    Worship brings the community together, reaffirming bonds.
  • What does the vitalising function of religion maintain according to Durkheim?
    It maintains traditions and keeps values vital across generations.