Theory & Research Methods

Cards (554)

  • What are the two main types of theories discussed in sociology according to the study material?
    Consensus and conflict theories
  • What do consensus theories emphasize about society?
    They emphasize shared interests and broad agreement on norms and values
  • What is the main consensus theory mentioned in the study material?
  • Who developed the functionalist perspective in sociology?
    Emile Durkheim
  • How does Durkheim compare society to a human body?
    He argues that society is made up of various institutions that function like organs
  • What does Durkheim mean by social cohesion?

    It refers to the extent to which people are bound together in common purpose
  • What is the consequence of too little social cohesion according to Durkheim?
    It leads to a selfish society where people do not look out for each other
  • What happens if there is too much social control in society?
    It leads to oppression and tyranny
  • What are the two stages of socialization according to functionalism?
    Primary socialization and secondary socialization
  • What is primary socialization?
    Learning the particularistic values of family and community
  • What is secondary socialization?
    Learning the universalistic values of wider society
  • How does functionalism view social change?
    As a gradual process that happens naturally when consensus shifts
  • Name one key functionalist mentioned in the study material.
    Talcott Parsons
  • What is the concept of meritocracy in functionalism?
    People achieve their position in society through effort and ability
  • What does the New Right theory combine?
    Neo-liberal economics with traditional conservative views
  • What is a criticism of the New Right theory?
    It lacks objectivity and supports low taxes
  • What do Marxists argue about consensus in society?
    They argue that society is built on fundamental conflicts
  • What is the main focus of conflict theories?
    They see society as made up of groups with competing interests
  • Who is the key figure associated with Marxism?
    Karl Marx
  • What does Marx argue about the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?
    The bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat for profit
  • What is surplus value according to Marx?
    It is the difference between the value produced by labor and the wages paid to workers
  • How does Marx view capitalism?
    As a system that creates poverty and class conflict
  • What is a key criticism of functionalism mentioned in the study material?
    It is too optimistic and idealistic
  • What do postmodernists criticize about consensus and conflict theories?
    They criticize them for being structuralist and ignoring individual agency
  • What are the key components of consensus theories?
    • Shared interests in society
    • Broad agreement on norms and values
    • Emphasis on social cohesion and control
  • What are the key components of conflict theories?
    • Society divided by competing interests
    • Focus on social class and gender conflicts
    • Recognition of multiple forms of conflict
  • What are the criticisms of consensus theories?
    • Conflict theories argue against the existence of consensus
    • Functionalism is seen as a ruling-class ideology
    • Idealistic view of society overlooks real conflicts
  • What are the criticisms of the New Right theory?
    • Lacks objectivity and supports low taxation
    • Political position rather than a sociological theory
    • Can undermine social institutions and values
  • What are the agents of socialization that create value consensus?
    • Families
    • Education
    • Media
    • Places of worship
  • What is the exploitative nature of work in a capitalist society according to Marx?
    Workers are not paid the real value of their work.
  • Who are the bourgeoisie in Marx's theory?
    The bourgeoisie are the ruling class who own the means of production.
  • What is the role of the proletariat in a capitalist society?

    The proletariat is the working class employed to produce goods.
  • How does Marx describe the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?
    It is an exploitative relationship where the bourgeoisie profits from the labor of the proletariat.
  • What does Marx mean by "surplus value"?

    Surplus value is the difference between what workers are paid and the value of what they produce.
  • According to Marx, what is the consequence of capitalism on the majority of people?
    Capitalism makes most people poor.
  • What is the contradiction at the heart of capitalism mentioned by Marx?
    Workers are also customers, and making them poor leads to economic crises.
  • What do traditional Marxists argue about the proletariat's acceptance of bourgeois rule?

    They argue that the proletariat often accepts bourgeois rule as normal or desirable.
  • What is "class consciousness" according to Althusser?
    Class consciousness is being aware of one's social class and its treatment in society.
  • What is "false class consciousness"?
    False class consciousness is when workers adopt the bourgeois ideology and misunderstand their position.
  • What happens if the proletariat becomes class conscious?
    If class conscious, they may revolt or strike against the ruling class.