what is one reason why some theologians reject/downplay the value of natural theology?
human sinfulness and the fall- the fall has corrupted human reason and perception, making it unreliable for discerning divine truths. humanity's sinfulnature distort our ability to rightly understand God through nature alone.
what is one reason why some theologians reject/downplay the value of natural theology?
insufficiency of nature for saving knowledge- nature theology provides general knowledge of God, it is inadequate for leading people to salvation. true knowledge of God including His Will and plan for salvation, requires the specifictruths revealed in Christ
what is one reason why some theologians reject/downplay the value of natural theology?
fear of philosophical contamination- relying on natural theology may lead to blending of Christian thought with secular philosophy. for example, they fear that emphasizing reason or natural observation might open the door to rationalism or deism, which could dilute the distinctiveness of Christian theology based on revelation.
what is one reason why some theologians reject/downplay the value of natural theology?
emphasis on faith over reason- theologians like Barth emphasise that faith is foundation of theology. Faith in God's revealed word is the only secure path to understanding Him.
what did Tertullian say that influence non-Christian ideas in theology?
"what has Athens to do with Jerusalem"
what is the difference between philosophical and salvific knowledge of God?
philosophical is when knowledge of God comes from humanreasoning and observation of natural world. Logical argument and rational inquiry. It proves God's existence in a general way (teleological argument) Whereas, salvific knowledge is divine revelation- faith in Jesus- graciously given by god in a saving way which aims to bring a relationship with God resulting in salavation
summarise philosophical knowledge of God
comes through human reason and observation of natural world. it can be pursued by anyone through logical argument and rational inquiry. it aims to prove Gods existence in a general way. The teleological argument demonstrates this.
summarise salvific knowledge of God?
comes through divine revelation, more specifically faith in Jesus. it is graciously given by God and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring a person to true knowledge in a saving way. aims to bring a relationship with God resulting in salvation. when someone accepts the message of the gospel, they enter into a personal relationship with God leading to eternal life.
what was Barth's view about how much we can learn about God through natural theology?
he completely rejected it
what are 2 reasons why Barth rejects natural theology?
general revelation is insufficient for any reliable knowledge of God.
the fall corrupted human reason- only revealed by divine revelation
natural theology has no relevance in Christianity as it puts human reason above divine revelation.
how did Barth view the knowledge contained in the Bible?
he said that the Bible was not the direct, infallible Word of God. It is the witness to revelation of God revealed in Jesus. The Word of God and the words of the scripture. he suggests the Bible becomes Word of God when it points to Christ and God speaks through it
What word does Barth use to highlight the view that Jesus is completely, uniquely central to knowledge of God?
Christocentric- He believed that the Bible’s primary purpose is to direct people to the living Word, Jesus Christ. The Scriptures, while authoritative, are only authoritative in the sense that they serve this purpose of pointing to Christ, not because they are free from all errors or contradictions.
What is the difference between verbal inspiration and dynamic inspiration?
Barth rejected verbal inspiration, where every word of Scripture is considered directly dictated by God and therefore infallible. he instead held a dynamic view of inspiration where God uses it as a means to influence himself. When God speaks to individuals through texts, this makes it a living and active source of revelation