
Cards (10)

  • Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)

    learning occurs through the pairing of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned response that produces an automatic response.
  • Operant Conditioning (Skinner)

    assumes that behaviour is based on learning through consequence.
  • 3 Consequences (OC)

    1) Positive Reinforcement - behaviour is MORE LIKELY to occur due to positive consequences
    2) Negative Reinforcement - behaviour is MORE LIKELY to occur due to negative consequences
    3) Punishment - behaviour is LESS LIKELY to occur because of the negative consequences
  • variable-ratio schedule
    In operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses
  • BEA: Scientific Methods (Strength)
    Focuses on observable behaviour within controlled settings. This means it was an influential approach in the development of psychology as a science.
  • BEA: Real-life Applications (Strength)

    Principles of conditioning have been applied to real-world behaviours. This means the approach has led to therapies to treat disorders.
  • BEA: Use of Animal Research (Weakness)

    Lack of validity due to differences in physiology/brain structure. This means findings may not generalise to humans as thought processes are underestimated
  • BEA: Lack of Biology (Weakness)

    Emphasis is on environmental factors affecting behaviour. This means it is not a complete approach
  • BEA: Deterministic Approach (Weakness)

    Emphasis on environmental factors affecting behaviour. This means the approach views free will as an 'illusion'. Suggests no conscious control over behaviour.
  • Learning Approach: Key Assumptions

    -Behaviour is learnt from experience and is not inherited
    -It is valid to study animals as the same principles apply to humans and non-human animals
    -Only observable behaviour should be studied