The Endocrine System

Cards (4)

  • What is the Endocrine System?

    - Network of glands throughout body that manufacture and secrete hormones
    - Uses blood system to deliver hormones to target sites in body
  • What are Hormones?

    - Chemical messengers that circulate bloodstream and are carried to target sites
  • What is the role of the Pituitary Gland (PG)?
    - Master gland, primary role is to influence the release of hormones from other glands therefore regulating most bodily functions
  • What is the role of the Adrenal Glands?

    - Sit on top of kidneys, each one made of the adrenal cortex (outer part) and adrenal medulla (inner region)
    - Hormones released by adrenal CORTEX are vital for life, unlike ones released by adrenal medulla