Hemispheric Lateralisation

Cards (7)

  • Define hemispheric lateralisation.

    Certain mental processes and behaviours are controlled or dominated by one hemisphere rather than the other (as in the example of language).
  • Corpus callosum
    A band of neural fibres that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • Split-brain studies.

    Corpus callosum cut in patients with severe epilepsy, allowing researchers to investigate the extent to which brain function is lateralised.
  • Describing what you see.
    Pictures shown to RVF could be described but not those to LVF because no language centres in left hemisphere (connected to RVF).
  • Recognition by touch.

    Could not describe objects projected to LVF, but able to select a matching object from a selection of different objects using their left hand.
  • What is Hemispheric Lateralisation?

    - Two hemispheres are not exactly the same, each has its own functional specialisations
    - Left is dominant for language and speech, right for visual-motor tasks
  • What is Split-Brain Research?
    - When the bundle of fibres making the corpus callosum are cut, the connection between the 2 hemispheres is severed