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  • define institutionalisation?
    • refers to children who have been raised in homes/orphanges (institutions)
  • rutters era study 2010?
    era - english & romanian adoptees
  • method of rutters era study 2010?
    • longitudinal study
    • followed group of 165 romanian children who spent time in orphange so had suffered institutionlisation
    • 111 kids adopted before 2
    • 54 kids adopted by 4
    • were assessed at ages 4,6,11,15 in terms of social/cognitive/physical development
    • was compared to 52 british children adopted in uk before age of 6 months
  • results of rutters era study 2010?
    • at time of adoption romanian kids smaller & weighed less & classified as having delayed intellectual development
    • some who were adopted after 6 months had disinhibited attachment & problems with peer relationships
  • what is disinhibited attachment?
    • pattern of attention seeking, clingy behaviour with relative lack of selectivity in social relationships
    • children more likely to seek attention from all adults even strangers & make inappropriate physical contact without checking back to parent in stressful situation
    • no secure base
  • zeanahs 2005 study method?
    • assessed attachment in 95 children aged between 12-31 months who had spent average of 90% of life in institution
    • compared to control group who never lived in institution
    • attachment type measured using strange situation
  • zeanahs 2005 study results?
    • 74% of control securely attached
    • only 1% of institution group were securely attached
    • 65% of institution group classified as having disorganised attachment
  • what is disorgnised attachment?
    • children display inconsistent pattern of behaviour
    • sometimes show strong attachment
    • other times they avoid caregiver
    • unsure how to form consistent attachment
    • negative emotional effects
  • * practical applications?
    • research has pointed out importance of being adopted early
    • late adoption leads to more severe effects of instit
    • e.g low iq/poor social skills
    • as a result today babies adopted within first week of birth/asap
    • ecological
    • demonstrates negative impacts that instit can have on infants ability to form att
    • regulations now put in place so adoption happens much earlier to ensure healthy social development
  • 4 X of institutionalisation?
    1. ignores individual differences
    2. orphans faced with much more than emotional deprivation
    3. issues with methodology
    4. ethical issues
  • X ignores individual differences?
    • not all children who were institutionalised went on to be negatively affected by it
    • rutter found only some went onto have disinhibited att
    • zeanah found 65% went onto have disorganised att not 100%
    • ? ecological
    • findings cannot be generalised to all children as not everyone is affected in same way
    • suggests may be other factors
  • X orphans deal with more than emotional deprivation?
    • physical conditions kids stay in are appalling may have huge impact on health
    • lack of cognitive stimulation may have affected development
    • for many kids poor care in infancy is followed by poor subsequent care such as living in poverty/experiencing parental disharmony
    • ? internal
    • instits can cause physical effects & problems with att
    • problem with establishing direct cause & effect relationship between instits & att as they had poor conditions
    • if kids raised in orphange with good quality care/facilities outcomes may be different
  • X issues with methodology?
    • rutters study did not have control over which children were adopted/not
    • means confounding variables may have caused effects not instits
    • may be children who were not adopted early already had poor social skills & thats why not adopted not instits causing poor skills
    • zeanahs study randomly allocated kids to foster groups/instits
    • means confounding less likely to have effects as caregivers not choosing to foster kids who already had better social skills
    • ? internal
    • not all cvs controlled
    • means other possible factors affected results
  • X ethical issues?
    • pro: rutter did not decide which children were adopted/not
    • means it was ethically sound as it happened naturally
    • con: zeanah had say in which children went into orphange/fostered
    • breaks ethical issues as those who stayed in orphange have disorganised att breaking protection from psychological harm
    • whilst its more ethically sound to use naturally occuring sample reserch into this area does not protect childrens rights
    • still places them at risk
    • may be more ethical ways to research
    • e.g using correlational anaylsis/secondary data to avoid manipulation
  • effects of instituitionalisation?
    1. disinhibited attachment - rutter
    2. iq - delayed intellectual development - rutter
    3. disorganised attachment - zeanah
    4. social skills - zeanah