Must be main carer of the child (usually the mother)
Feminists argue that this reinforces the idea that money paid to the mother will be spent on children whilst men spend it on themselves
Child Care:
Feminists argue that lack of funding for pre-school means that women are restricted from working
Governments can increase childcare funding to encourage more women to work
Child Protection Acts (1989/2004):
Outlines the requirements of a duty of care towards children
Compulsory Education:
School was made compulsory for children in the late 1800s
The school leaving age was set at 16 in 1973 and raised to 18 in 2013
Equality Pay Act (1970):
prohibited unequal pay and working conditions between men and women
Divorce law:
From 1857 men were allowed to divorce unfaithful wives whilst women could obtain a divorce when able to prove another matrimonial offence in addition to adultery
Grounds for divorce were equalised for men and women in 1923
The 1969 Divorce Law Reform Act widened the grounds for divorce and added the ability for couples to divorce without grounds as long as they livedapart first
From 2022 the law changed to allow 'nofault' and allowed couples to file for divorce jointly
Marriage Tax Allowance:
Gave tax breaks to married couples when one partner does not work or is on a low income
Intended to recognise the contribution that married couples make to society
Maternity Leave:
Usually more generous than paternity leave
Amount paid is low
Feminists argue that this increases female dependence on their males partners
Same Sex Marriage:
Legalised in 2013
Prior to this gay couples could enter a civilpartnership (introduced in 2015)
Sex Discrimination Act (1975):
Extended the equalpay act
Aimed to ensure that all employees received equal opportunities of promotion and that their working conditions and training are the same regardless of gender or marital status
Job advertisements were required to be sexless and it was made illegal to offer a position exclusively for males and females
Shared Parental Leave (2015):
Woman can now give some of their maternity leave to their partner making it easier for men and women to share childcare
The British Nationality Act:
Allowed those living in the commonwealth countries British citizenship and full rights of entry and settlement and was intended to bring more workers into the country
This began the first mass immigration on non-white people into the UK
The Welfare State:
A collection of socialpolicies introduced post WW2
Brought about the NHS, an increase housing and unemployment benefit
Based on the belief that people should have the right to help when they are in need
Troubled Families Programme (2011):
Brought in after the LondonRiots
Identified 120,000broken families in need of support to turn their lives around
Each family was given a caseworker who supported the family in getting jobs and attending school