
Cards (27)

  • What do Neo-Marxists Taylor, Walton, and Young (1973) agree with Classical Marxists about?
    They agree that capitalist society is based on exploitation and class conflict.
  • What do Taylor et al. criticize about classical Marxist approaches?
    They criticize their determinism and the neglect of individual meanings behind crime.
  • How do Taylor et al. view crime in terms of individual agency?
    They see crime as meaningful action and a conscious choice by the actor.
  • What political motive do Taylor et al. attribute to crime?
    They argue that crime often aims to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.
  • How do Neo-Marxists view criminals in relation to capitalism?
    They view criminals as actively striving to change society, not as passive puppets.
  • What are the six aspects that Taylor et al. suggest need to be united in a complete theory of deviance?
    1. Wider structural origins of deviant acts.
    2. Immediate origins of deviant acts.
    3. The deviant act itself and its meanings.
    4. Immediate social reactions to deviance.
    5. Wider social reactions to deviance.
    6. Effects of labelling on the deviant's future.
  • How can the New Criminology framework explain the Toxteth riots?
    1. Wider structural origins: Long-term unemployment.
    2. Immediate origins: Racist policing strategies.
    3. Deviant act: Political protest against inequality.
    4. Immediate societal reaction: Biased media coverage.
    5. Wider societal reaction: Inappropriate regeneration schemes.
    6. Effects of labelling: Increased police suspicion of blacks.
  • What does Hirst (1975) claim about Neo-Marxist/New Criminology?
    He claims it strays too far from traditional Marxism.
  • What criticism does feminist Pat Carlen (1988) have regarding Neo-Marxist/New Criminology?
    She points out that it ignores the role of patriarchy in crime and deviance.
  • How do classical Marxists view official crime statistics?
    They too readily dismiss them as biased.
  • What do realists argue about official crime statistics?

    They accept that statistics have problems but show the basic reality of crime.
  • How does Marxism relate to labelling theory according to the theoretical evaluation?

    Marxism provides a wider structural context to insights of labelling theory.
  • What do left realists criticize about classical Marxist explanations of crime?
    They criticize the deterministic view that unemployment leads to inevitable crime.
  • How do left realists explain young, male, working-class, black crime?
    They see it as a response to marginalization, relative deprivation, and subcultures.
  • What practical solutions do left realists propose to reduce crime?
    They suggest restorative justice programs.
  • What do feminists criticize about Marxist theories regarding gender and crime?
    They criticize Marxists for failing to consider how patriarchy shapes gender patterns of crime.
  • What do radical feminists claim about women's opportunities to commit crime?
    They claim women have fewer opportunities due to patriarchal control.
  • How do radical feminists view female victimization in relation to Marxism?
    They argue that female victimization is neglected by Marxists.
  • What do functionalists criticize about Marxist explanations of crime?
    They criticize Marxists for offering a conspiracy theory regarding crime.
  • How do functionalists view the creation of laws compared to Marxists?
    They claim laws reflect a value consensus that protects society as a whole.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Marxist approach to crime and deviance?
    • Recognizes crime and deviance as socially constructed.
    • Acknowledges structural causes of crime.

    • Ignores gender issues.
    • Focuses primarily on social class.
  • What is the title of the book by Webb et al. for further reading on Sociology?
    AQA A level Sociology, Book Two.
  • What is the duration and marks for the sample A level questions in Paper 3?
    1 hour 15 minutes for 50 marks.
  • What is one way Marxists believe capitalism causes crime?
    Capitalism creates inequality, leading to crime.
  • What is one reason Marxists have a negative view of social control?
    They believe social control is used to maintain the power of the ruling class.
  • How do Marxists see class and crime as related?
    They argue that class inequality leads to higher crime rates.
  • What is one contribution of Marxist theories to understanding crime and deviance?
    They highlight the role of power in selective law enforcement.