
Cards (36)

  • What theory did functionalist subcultural theories of crime and deviance emerge from?
    Merton’s anomie theory
  • How do subcultural theories explain the group nature of crime and deviance?
    Through the concept of subcultures with differing norms and values
  • What alternative does subcultures provide for those faced with blocked opportunities?
    An alternative deviant opportunity structure
  • Who focused on deviance among working-class boys in the context of the middle-class dominated school system?
  • What do working-class youths face due to their low position in the social class structure?
    Blocked opportunities
  • What is the consequence of working-class youths suffering from status frustration?
    They are unable to achieve mainstream success goals legitimately
  • Who provided empirical support for the idea that the underclass faces blocked opportunities?
  • How does Cohen extend Merton’s theory regarding cultural causes of crime and deviance?
    By incorporating a strong cultural element into his explanation
  • What do some working-class youths do in response to status frustration?
    They completely reject mainstream norms and values
  • What type of acts do delinquent subcultures place a high value on?
    Negativistic delinquent acts
  • What does the delinquent subculture provide for its members?
    An alternative means of gaining status
  • How do the values of the delinquent subculture differ from mainstream society?
    They invert the values of mainstream society
  • What does Miller argue about deviant subcultures?
    They emerge out of working-class culture that values toughness and excitement
  • What is one theoretical strength of Cohen’s strain theory?
    It explains non-utilitarian/non-money making deviance
  • What assumption does Cohen make about working-class boys in his theory?
    That they initially share middle-class goals
  • What do functionalist subcultural theories fail to explain according to their critics?
    Adult white-collar crime and female subcultural delinquency
  • How do subcultural theorists compare to early functionalists regarding juvenile crimes?
    They provide superior explanations for juvenile crimes
  • What do interactionists criticize subcultural theories for ignoring?
    The social construction of crime and deviance
  • What does Matza argue about distinctive groups with their own values?
    There is little evidence for their existence
  • What does Matza suggest about individuals and delinquency?

    Individuals drift in and out of delinquency
  • What is one technique of neutralization mentioned by Matza?
    Denial of responsibility
  • What do Cloward and Ohlin accept from Merton and Cohen?

    Their views on the structural causes of crime and deviance
  • What do Cloward and Ohlin argue about different subcultural responses?
    They explain why different subcultural responses occur
  • What do Cloward and Ohlin identify as a factor in different neighbourhoods?
    Different illegitimate opportunities to learn criminal skills
  • What are the three types of deviant subcultures identified by Cloward and Ohlin?
    1. Criminal subcultures: Apprenticeship for utilitarian crime
    2. Conflict subcultures: Develop in socially disorganized areas
    3. Retreatist subcultures: Fail to access both legitimate and illegitimate opportunities
  • What do criminal subcultures provide for youths?
    An apprenticeship for a career in utilitarian crime
  • What characterizes conflict subcultures?
    High population turnover leading to social disorganization
  • What do retreatist subcultures result from according to Cloward and Ohlin?
    Individuals failing to access both legitimate and illegitimate opportunity structures
  • What is one evaluation point of Cloward and Ohlin's theory?
    They provide an explanation for different types of working-class deviance
  • What criticism does South (2014) have regarding Cloward and Ohlin's theory?
    The boundaries between different deviant subcultures are not as clear-cut as implied
  • What are the key points in the conclusion regarding functionalist theories of crime and deviance?
    • Highlight links between social structure, culture, and crime
    • Recent strain theories recognize non-material goals
    • Ignore issues of power and biased policing
  • What do recent strain theories recognize as a cause of delinquency?
    Failure to achieve non-material goals
  • How do police act as agents of social control according to the conclusion?
    They shape patterns of crime and deviance through biased policing
  • What is one of the recommended further readings for sociology?
    AQA A level Sociology, Book Two by Webb R et al.
  • What type of questions are included in the sample A level questions?
    Questions that outline reasons and analyze functions of deviance
  • What is the mark allocation for the question on evaluating the contribution of strain theories?
    30 marks