Male & Victimisation

Cards (34)

  • Who claims that crime is a way for males to achieve and express their masculinity?
  • How do some white working-class youths demonstrate oppositional masculinity?
    By exhibiting toughness, sexism, and anti-social behavior
  • What is an example of masculinity as described in Willis' study?
    The 'lads' in Willis' 'learning to labour' study
  • Why do some black African and black Caribbean working-class youths engage in gang violence?
    Due to a perceived lack of job opportunities
  • What type of masculinity do some white middle-class youths adopt in schools?
    Accommodating/conformist masculinity
  • What crime might white middle-class youths turn to as adults to accomplish hegemonic masculinity?
    White-collar crime
  • What do left realists argue about the focus on masculinity in explaining male crime?
    It ignores underlying structural causes like marginalization and relative deprivation
  • What has globalization led to in terms of industries?
  • How do some unemployed males respond to de-industrialization?
    By turning to violent street gangs
  • What mentality do some males adopt to express their deviant nature?
    A 'gangsta mentality'
  • What opportunity did the expansion of the 'night time economy' provide for bouncers in Sunderland?
    To demonstrate their 'bodily capital' and masculinity
  • What type of crime did bouncers engage in to obtain masculinity according to Winlow?
    Organized crime
  • What do biological theorists focus on instead of social explanations for gender differences in violent offending?
    Hormonal explanations like high levels of testosterone
  • According to the Crime Survey for England & Wales, who is more likely to be a victim of crime?
  • What percentage of homicide victims are male?
  • Who are men likely to be murdered by according to the CSEW?
    A friend or acquaintance
  • What percentage of men are victims of violent crime compared to women?
    4% for men and 2% for women
  • Why are male victims of crime often from minority groups?
    Due to factors like 'dominant heterosexual male masculinities'
  • What increases men's risk of victimization according to the study?
    Being in 'public places'
  • According to the CSEW, who is more likely to be a victim of domestic violence?
  • What percentage of females are victims of domestic violence compared to males?
    31% for females and 18% for males
  • Why might the figures for female victimization be an underestimate?

    Because females often fear reporting such crimes
  • In homicide cases, who are women more likely to know?
    Their killer
  • What do radical feminists like Kelly claim about domestic violence?
    It is a result of patriarchy
  • How do radical feminists view domestic violence in relation to male power?

    As an act of control against women who resist their domestic role
  • What do radical feminists highlight about the impact of domestic violence?
    It significantly affects all women's lives
  • What do women often do as a result of fearing crime?
    Adopt avoidance behaviors
  • Why might victim surveys not convey the true extent of domestic violence?
    Women may be multiple victims before reporting
  • What do Dobash & Dobash (1979) support regarding domestic violence?
    It is a product of patriarchal marriage relationships
  • What triggers domestic violence according to Dobash & Dobash?
    A husband's perception of his wife's challenge to his authority
  • What does Wilkinson (1996) believe is the cause of domestic violence?
    Stresses from social inequality
  • What are the key points regarding female crime in postmodern societies?
    • Female crime is a genuine problem requiring causal explanation
    • Postmodern feminists address causes in terms of changing gender roles
    • Interaction of gender and social class is significant
    • Radical feminist ideas on gender and offending remain relevant today
  • What are some recommended readings for A Level Sociology on gender, crime, and justice?
    • Webb R et al. (2016) AQA A level Sociology, Book Two
    • Webb R & Trobe K. (2016) Succeed at A Level Sociology, Book Two
    • Browne K. (2016) Sociology for AQA Vol 2
  • What are some sample A level questions related to gender, crime, and justice?
    1. Outline two differences between recorded patterns of male and female offending.
    2. Outline three reasons why males are more likely to commit crime than females.
    3. Analyze two differences in patterns of victimization by gender.
    4. Evaluate the claim that female crime is under-represented in official statistics.