Deviancy Amplification

Cards (43)

  • What is the main focus of Sociology LT10 Crime and the Media?
    Societal reaction to crime
  • How does the media create crime and deviance?
    Through the process of labelling
  • What do interactionists argue about the media's role in crime?
    The media amplify crime and deviance by creating moral panics
  • What is a moral panic?
    An exaggerated over-reaction by society to a perceived problem
  • What is the deviancy spiral effect?
    It suggests the media manipulates audiences through social control
  • Who does the media identify as 'folk devils'?
    Groups that are demonised and seen as a threat to social order
  • How do the media act as 'moral crusaders'?
    By presenting groups in a negative and stereotyped way
  • What happens to deviance as a result of media sensationalism?
    It becomes sensationalised and exaggerated
  • Who are moral entrepreneurs?
    Individuals or groups that condemn deviant behavior and call for action
  • What is the effect of increased formal social control?
    More police officers are deployed and new laws may be created
  • How does labelling by the media affect deviants?
    Deviants may live up to the labelling, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • What is a criticism of the concept of moral panics?
    It is not fully explained why some problems are amplified and others are not
  • What did Cohen (1972) find about mods and rockers?
    Minor fights were sensationalised by the media
  • How did the media exaggerate the events involving mods and rockers?
    By distorting the numbers involved and the extent of violence
  • What is symbolisation in the context of media reporting?
    Clothing, hairstyles, and music are negatively labelled and associated with deviance
  • What was the result of increased media reporting on mods and rockers?
    Increased policing and social control
  • How did deviancy amplification occur with mods and rockers?
    They were further stigmatised, attracting more youths to the subculture
  • What do functionalists believe about moral panics?
    They see them as a response to anomie created by social change
  • How do neo-Marxists explain the media's coverage of black mugging in the 1970s?
    As a distraction from the crisis of capitalism and social problems
  • What does Cohen believe about the occurrence of moral panics?
    They occur during periods of social change
  • What empirical support does Lumsden's (2009) study provide?

    It supports the continued creation of moral panics in the mass media
  • What criticism does Lumsden make about previous studies on moral panics?
    They fail to consider the reactions of individuals labelled as folk devils
  • What do postmodernists like Thornton argue about audience reactions to moral panics?
    They believe audience reactions are not uniform and have less impact
  • How do deviant groups influence media coverage according to Thornton?

    They can manipulate media coverage to their advantage
  • What new opportunities for crime does Wall (2001) identify?
    The internet has created new technological opportunities for cybercrime
  • What are cybercrimes?
    Computer-based crimes conducted through global electronic networks
  • What are examples of cyber-deception and theft?
    Identity theft and phishing fraud
  • What constitutes cyber-violence?
    Psychological harm or inciting physical harm through digital means
  • What is cyber-trespassing?
    Crossing boundaries into others' cyber property, such as hacking
  • What is an example of cyber-pornography?
    Involving minors and opportunities for children to access porn on the net
  • Why is policing cyber-crime difficult?
    It is complex, on a huge scale, and has jurisdiction issues
  • What is a challenge faced by police in combating cyber-crime?
    Limited resources and low priority given to cyber-crime
  • What is the impact of new ICT on policing?
    They help police fight crime through surveillance and monitoring
  • What do postmodernists criticize about surveillance technologies?
    They argue that such technologies infringe on human rights
  • How does the media distort the image of crime?
    Violent crime is over-represented due to news values
  • What is the media's role in causing crime?
    It creates feelings of relative deprivation and commodifies crime
  • How have the effects of media on crime changed in postmodern times?
    Audiences are less easily manipulated by the media
  • What new opportunities for crime does the internet provide?
    It creates opportunities for both cyber-crime and policing
  • What are the key components of moral panics and deviancy amplification?
    • Media labelling creates crime and deviance
    • Moral panics are exaggerated societal reactions
    • Deviancy spiral effect manipulates audiences
    • Groups identified as 'folk devils' are demonised
    • Increased social control leads to more policing
    • Self-fulfilling prophecies occur as deviants react to labelling
  • What are the reasons for moral panics according to different sociological perspectives?
    • Functionalists: Response to anomie from social change
    • Neo-Marxists: Distraction from capitalism crises
    • Cohen: Occur during periods of social change