Humanistic Approach

Cards (19)

  • What is a key assumption of the Humanistic Approach regarding people?
    All people are unique
  • How does the Humanistic Approach view the perception of the world by individuals?
    Every person has their own unique way of perceiving and understanding the world
  • What is the aim of the Humanistic Approach compared to other psychological approaches?
    The aim is to understand people subjectively, not objectively
  • What does the Humanistic Approach assert about free will?
    Every individual can assert free will and consciously control their own destiny
  • What are the key components of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
    • Personal growth involves developing and changing to become fulfilled and goal-oriented
    • Important psychological barriers may prevent reaching potential
  • What is the focus of personal growth in the Humanistic Approach?
    It is concerned with developing and changing as a person to become fulfilled
  • What is self-actualization in the context of the Humanistic Approach?

    It is the process by which an individual reaches their full potential
  • What must be met before working towards self-actualization according to the Humanistic Approach?
    All four levels of Maslow's hierarchy must be met
  • How does the Humanistic Approach regard personal growth?
    It regards personal growth as essential for becoming satisfied and goal-oriented
  • What is congruence according to Rogers in the Humanistic Approach?
    It is when an individual's actual self-image is broadly equivalent to their ideal self-image
  • What happens if there is too big a gap between the actual self-image and ideal self-image?
    The person will experience perceptions of inadequacy and poor psychological health
  • What is the concept of 'Conditions of Worth' in Rogers' theory?
    It refers to the boundaries or limits on love set by parents that can cause future psychological problems
  • How does Rogers' client-centered therapy help individuals?
    It helps reduce the gap between self-concept and ideal self through unconditional positive regard
  • What is the role of the therapist in Rogers' client-centered therapy?
    The therapist provides unconditional positive regard that the client failed to receive as a child
  • What are the goals of Rogers' client-centered therapy (CCT)?
    • Revolves around genuineness, acceptance, and empathy
    • Provides unconditional positive regard
    • Studies the whole person in their environmental context
    • Creates a supportive environment for self-actualization
  • AO3 Humanistic - Not reductionist
    • Rejects any attempt to break up behaviour and experiences into smaller components
    • Where as other psychological approaches such as the cognitive approach sees humans as info processing 'machines'
    • Humanistic approach advocate holism, the idea that subjective experience can only be understood by considering the whole person
    • This approach therefore may have more validity than other approaches than its alternatives by considering meaningful human behaviour within a real life context
  • AO3 Humanistic - Not reductionist counterpoint
    • However reductionist approaches may be more scientific
    • This is because the idea of science is the experiment and experiments reduce behaviour to independent and dependent variables
    • One issue with humanistic psychology is that there are relatively few concepts that can be broken down to single variables and measured
    • This means that humanistic psychology in general is short on empirical evidence to support its calms
  • AO3 Humanistic - Not deterministic
    • Approach is less deterministic
    • So it claims that human beings are self-determining and have free will and that we are active agents who have the ability to determine our own development
    • This is optimistic and has led to the development of client-centred therapies to help individuals with conditions such as depression and low self-esteem increase the congruence between their ideal and actual selves; alleviating the emotional problems from these mild psychological conditions
    • Increases the value of the approach as it has real world applications
  • AO3 Humanistic - Cultural bias
    • The concepts of individual freedom, autonomy and personal growth are more readily associated with individualist cultures
    • Nevis conducted a study in China which showed that self-actualisation was defined more in terms of contributions to the community rather than individual development
    • Many studies have confirmed this trend and that Europeans and Americans focus more on personal identity, but Chinese and Japanese focus more on interdependence
    • This means that this approach cannot be generalised to all people worldwide and is a product of its cultural context