Cards (7)

  • What is conformity?

    A change in behaviour or belief as a result of a real or imagined group pressure- the minority yielding to the majority.
  • what is compliance?

    Publicly conforming to the behaviour or views of others, but privately maintaining one's own views.
    • based around a desire to fit in
    • the change is weak and temporary - only when the group is around
  • What is an example of compliance?

    Supporting a football team that your friends support, but you actually support a different team.
  • What is identification?

    Adjusting and exhibiting behaviours and opinions of the group because membership of the group is desirable.
    • private and public acceptance when the group are around
    • identify behaviours that are accepted in the group
  • What is an example of identification?

    Being in a new class in a new school.
  • What is internalisation?

    Publicly and privately agreeing to the majority. this is a total change of beliefs after being exposed to the opinion of the group/ majority.
    • the individual makes up their own mind
    • can be conscious or subconscious.
  • What is an example of internalisation?

    Eventually liking a team and becoming a football fan.
    culture - fashion and music