
Cards (35)

  • who founded psychodynamic psychology

    sigmund freud
  • what is psychic determinism?

    The idea that all behaviour has a reason and that there’s no free wi’ll. Behaviour is motivated by instinct drives
  • what is the id?

    The primitive instinctive component of personality
  • what is the ego
    Mediate the unrealistic and the real world
  • what is the super ego?

    Society values and morals
  • What happens when unconscious conflicts between the super ego can be resolved by the ego?

  • What are defence mechanisms?

    Psychological strategies used to protect oneself from anxiety or distress.
  • what is the order of the psychosexual stages of development?

  • what is the mind made up of?
    The conscious -current thought
    The pre-conscious -what you should do
    The unconscious -repressed beliefs and experiences
  • what is the oral stage?

    Age 0-1
    Pleasure zone=mouth
  • what is the anal stage?

    Ages 1-3
    Pleasure zone= bottom
  • what is the phallic stage?

    age 3-5
    Pleasure zone= genitals
    Oedipus and Electracomplex
  • what is the latest stage?
    Age 5- puberty
    No pleasure zone focused on hobbies
  • what is the genital phase?

    puberty on
    Pleasure zone = genital
  • What are some examples of defence mechanisms?

  • what is Eros?

    The sex drive and life instinct
  • what is Thanatos?

    The aggressive drive and death instinct
  • when does the id develop?

    At birth
  • when does the id develop?

    At birthAt birth
  • when does the ego develop?

    Between 18 months and three years
  • when does the super ego develop?

    between three and six years
  • what type of principle is the id?

    Pleasure principle
  • what type of principle is the ego?

    Reality principle
  • what nationality was Freud?

  • what was the case study of Wolfman?

    Freud traced all of Wolfman’s problems back to childhood neurosis by focusing on a Wolfmans dream that he was lying in bed in front of which was a window looking out onto a walnut tree he woke up terrified and screaming. according to freud the symbol of the represented father and suggested illness of the wolves was a representation of violent motion when Wolfman witnessed his parents having sexual intercourse
  • What is the Little Hans case study about?
    It is a psychological case study of a boy's fear of horses.
  • Why did Little Hans refuse to go into the street?
    He had a fear of horses.
  • What conclusion did the father of Little Hans come to regarding his son's fear of horses?
    The fear was an ego defense mechanism displacing fear from his father.
  • What unconscious wish did Little Hans have regarding his father?
    He wished that his father would go away.
  • Why did Little Hans regard his father as a competitor?
    He saw his father as a competitor for his mother’s love.
  • What feelings did Little Hans have towards his mother?
    His feelings were foreshadowings of his sexual wishes for her.
  • What psychological complex was Little Hans experiencing?
    He was experiencing the Oedipus complex.
  • How did Little Hans displace his feelings of anger towards his father?
    He displaced them onto a horse.
  • what is the oedipus complex?

    Psychoanalytic theory concept involving a child's unconscious sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent and rivalry with the same-sex parent.
    occurs during the phallic stage
  • what is the electra complex?

    A younger believes that she has already been castrated, she blames her mother and experiences penis envy