Unit 2- Life under Normans

Cards (10)

  • Differences between hierarchy before and after 1066
    • Bishops & Barons and knights were introduced
    • Before 1066 there were only 6 earls but were replaced with barons
  • How did the Feudal System help control England
    • King could receive loyalty and work in exchange for land
    • King gets money so can increase army and castles
  • differences in military control before and after 1066
    • Knights had to make an oath to always carry out military service
    • William created the Domesday Book which documented all land ownership
  • How did the domesday book help keep control
    • William could solve land disputes
    • William could see who owed rent and military service
    • Intimidation as ’doom’ related to the Last Judgement and people were very religious
  • What were differences in inheritance laws
    • Before land was split between all sons
    • Under Normans land was given to eldest son (Primogeniture)
    • If tenant died with no heir, land was given to the Lord
    • If heir is underage, Lord would temporarily take land and profits until heir was right age.
  • How did primogeniture help Normans keep control
    Meant there were less land owners so they could maintain power
  • what were changes to the court hierarchy
    • Lord’s court was introduced which not only solved crime and disputes, but also helped land and property disputes
    • Church courts dealt with church related cases (ecclesiastical)
  • What were similarities in the legal system
    • Normans kept the Witan which advised the King (Curia Regis)
    • Used a ‘writ’ to issue government orders
    • kept sheriffs which were in charge of the 134 shires in England
  • what were basic characteristics of a Norman Town
    • church and religious houses
    • market place
    • merchants and craftsmen on the high street
  • What was life like for peasants in norman England
    • Mostly farmers and their lives were dictated by the farming year
    • Mostly ate bread, fish, vegetables and crops they grew
    • Didn’t eat meat as it was mainly for wealthier people
    • Worked six days a week